The World’s First Real Money Rain
Not a Single Injured Person Among Those Collecting
A spectacle of $1 million in cash being dispersed from a helicopter in the air was recently staged in the Czech Republic.

A video posted by Kamil Bartoshek, a famous Czech broadcaster and influencer, on his Instagram and TikTok accounts was featured in various foreign media outlets like NDTV and social media.
The video, titled “The first real MONEY RAIN in the world,” shows a helicopter hovering over Lysa nad Labem in the Czech Republic, scattering one-dollar bills.

Kamil, better known by his pseudonym Kazma Kazmitch, initially planned to give $1 million to the person who could decode a hidden cipher as part of the promotion for his recently released movie, ‘One Man Show, The Movie.’ However, no one was able to solve it.
Kamil revised his plan and distributed the money to all the participants who had registered for the contest, scattering the cash at the announced time.

Before the event began, he said, “Some people might use this money to donate. We thought hard to create a special show.”
Approximately 4,000 participants who came to the event collected one-dollar bills from the site using plastic bags and other means. Some even used umbrellas to gather the money.
Upon the successful conclusion of the event, Kamil proudly stated, “A million dollars fell from the helicopter, and there were no injuries.”
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