Former U.S. President Donald Trump has consecutively won the Republican primaries in Missouri, Michigan, and Idaho. If he triumphs in the Super Tuesday primaries, which will be held simultaneously in 15 U.S. states on the 5th, he expected to wrap up the primaries and move on to the general election preparations. He also highlighted one of his key policies, stringent immigration policy, while criticizing the Biden administration’s immigration policy.

According to AP and other sources, Trump celebrated his consecutive victories in Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho on the 2nd (local time), saying, “Now it’s Super Tuesday. If you want to send a strong signal, vote.” He added, “November 5th will be the greatest day in history.”
He emphasized, “An incompetent, corrupt, worst president is ruining the country,” adding, “With your help, I will tell Joe Biden on Super Tuesday and in the November elections, ‘Get out of here. Get out of the White House. You’re fired.'”
On the 5th, 15 states, including North Carolina, Virginia, and American Samoa, will hold simultaneous primaries where Democrats and Republicans select about 30% of the total delegates.
Trump stressed, “The first action I will take when I take office is to close the borders and prevent invasions,” adding, “Immigrants are pouring in from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Three years ago, we had the safest borders in U.S. history.”
He raised his voice, saying, “This is Joe Biden’s invasion. Joe Biden is destroying the country,” and “Even if you combine the ten worst presidents in history, they couldn’t do the job this incompetent president is doing.”
He also said, “The actions Biden is taking at our borders are, in a way, a conspiracy to overthrow the U.S.” He added, “Biden and his accomplices are trying to collapse the U.S. system, nullify the will of the real voters, and lay the groundwork for transferring control to them for generations.”
Furthermore, he said, “On my first day in office, I will sign an order to stop federal budget support for any school that deals with inappropriate race, sex, and political theories, including transgender.” He added, “I won’t support a penny for schools that mandate vaccines, and men will be expelled from women’s sports.”
Trump also mentioned North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
He said, “I had a good life and had to deal with sick people. Countries like China, Russia, and North Korea.” He added, “They are easier to deal with than the radical left maniacs in the U.S. Some say it’s hard to deal with China, but it’s harder to deal with the maniacs in the U.S. industry.”
He continued, “Look at North Korea. North Korea is ready for war now, a massive nuclear power.” He added, “We were good. I got along well with him (Kim Jong Un). Indeed, I got along well with everyone.”
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