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Salad Shockers: Frogs and Caterpillars Strike Again in Troubled Chain

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[Exclusive] Victim: “They offered a $100 gift card and told me not to report it.”

A live caterpillar has been found in a product from the famous salad franchise Salady. / Provided by the reader

A caterpillar has now been found after the live frog found in Salady’s salad.

A woman, Ms. A, who works at a company in Cheonan, Chungnam, revealed on Wikitree on the 6th that a wriggling caterpillar was found in one of the four Salady products she ordered to eat with three colleagues at work.

Ms. A said she and her colleagues have been ordering salad products through Salady’s regular subscription service, ordering salad products 3 to 4 times a week for the past year. She mentioned that a caterpillar was found in the buckwheat noodle salad she ordered on the 4th.

Ms. A and her colleagues were shocked when they saw the wriggling blue caterpillar. The employee who ate the same menu experienced abdominal pain, diarrhea, and indigestion, while another employee who ordered the same menu showed symptoms of nausea. They couldn’t continue their meal.

Ms. A immediately called the Salady branch that delivered the product to complain. The branch employee said they would inform the headquarters that a caterpillar was found if the salad was made with vegetables supplied by the headquarters. Shortly after, they received a call from the headquarters.

The headquarters staff promised a refund and proposed to give a 50,000 won (approx. US$ 50) department store gift card to the employee who ate the product with the caterpillar. However, Ms. A’s side did not accept the offer because they were skeptical about whether Salady was properly washing the vegetables. In response, Salady’s headquarters made a final proposal to refund the money and give a 100,000 won (approx. US$100) department store gift card only to the employee who consumed the product with the caterpillar while also requesting not to disclose that a caterpillar was found in their product on the internet.

In the past, on July 18th, a live frog was found in Salady’s Caesar Chicken Salad, causing a shock. The consumer who found the frog had to vomit all their food. At that time, Salady admitted the mistake. She promised to reduce the proportion of non-organic farming, increase the proportion of hydroponic farming, and improve the cleanliness of their products.

During a conversation with Wikitree, Ms. A raised her voice, saying, “It hasn’t even been two months since the frog incident, and now a caterpillar has been found. How can consumers trust and eat Salady products?” She said, “Apologizing for the frog incident was nothing more than deceiving the consumers.”

Ms. A also expressed dissatisfaction with Salady’s response. She said, “How can I accept their one-sided demand not to disclose that foreign substances were found after offering inadequate compensation? I don’t know where to receive compensation for the psychological damage caused by vegetables.” She expressed her frustration.

A live caterpillar has been found in a product from the famous salad franchise Salady. / Provided by the reader


A live frog has also been found in Salady’s salad before. / Captured from Gyeonggi Ilbo video

By. Chae Seok Won (jdtimes@wikitree.co.kr)

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