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10 Surprising Ways How Breakfast Can Supercharge Your Day

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Do you know that having three meals daily, including breakfast, can significantly reduce fatigue? Our bodies deplete energy faster than we realize, and when fatigue accumulates, it can lead to immediate exhaustion. Skipping breakfast and starting the day on an empty stomach can cause a rapid increase in fatigue, which continues to accumulate. Let’s explore why, for our health, we should make it a point to eat breakfast.

Energy Reserves for the Day

Skipping breakfast means not sufficiently replenishing the body’s energy stores needed for daily activities. Even without vigorous exercise, the brain alone requires around 400 kcal of energy daily, primarily from glucose. Adults require approximately 2500 kcal per day in total energy. Skipping breakfast can lead to inadequate energy levels for efficient performance at work, school, or any other tasks.

Preventing Overeating and Binge Eating

Skipping breakfast and going straight from dinner the night before to lunch or dinner can lead to overeating and binge eating. This is because appetite-stimulating hormones continue to accumulate in the morning. When these hormones are elevated, eating becomes enjoyable. If this pattern persists, it can lead to seeking food whenever stress gets, resulting in repeated overeating and binge eating, increasing the risk of obesity.

Enhancing Emotional Stability and Brain Function

Activation of the appetite center in the brain affects the nearby emotional center, leading to prolonged excitement and an emotionally anxious state. Consequently, it becomes challenging to concentrate for extended periods, which can hinder the activities of students and professionals. Therefore, maintaining a moderate sense of fullness through breakfast is essential for keeping the brain active.

Don’t Overindulge in Breakfast

While eating breakfast has many benefits, there is no need to overindulge. Consuming excessive amounts or consuming oily foods in the morning can make you feel bloated throughout the day. Breakfast can be as simple as eating nutrient-rich foods like fruits and nuts, including protein and dietary fiber.

Skipping Breakfast Can Lead to Obesity

Due to a lack of time for breakfast, some individuals consider skipping it as a form of health management or dieting. However, if breakfast is skipped, it may not necessarily reduce daily calorie intake. Instead, lunch, dinner, and excessive snacking might compensate for the skipped meal. As the day progresses, the body tends to store more calories, increasing the risk of obesity, as warned by experts.

Focus on Protein and Dietary Fiber

It is recommended to reduce carbohydrate and fat intake for breakfast while emphasizing protein and dietary fiber. Include vegetables or nuts that provide vitamins and minerals. Mixing nuts with plain yogurt is an easy way to prepare a nutritious breakfast. However, it is not advisable to substitute vegetables with cereal in milk or sweet potatoes for breakfast, as these options may not provide a balanced nutritional profile.

Is the Popular McMuffin a Good Breakfast Alternative?

McMuffins, popular as a breakfast alternative, surprisingly have low sugar and high protein content, making them suitable for breakfast. Items like Egg McMuffin or Sausage Egg McMuffin have sugar contents of only 2-4g, just about 4% of the recommended daily sugar intake. However, McMuffins can be high in fat and sodium relative to their size, especially if you choose a McMuffin set with hash browns. Still, occasionally enjoying a McMuffin can be a reasonable breakfast choice, especially if you select a lower-sodium option.

No Need for Strictly Korean Breakfast

You don’t have to prepare a traditional Korean breakfast with rice, soup, and side dishes every morning. It’s enough to consume foods that contain the necessary nutrients to break your fast. Focus on protein, healthy fats, and fiber foods, such as vegetable-based salads, boiled eggs, plain yogurt, or nuts. Opt for solid foods that require chewing rather than liquid options to maintain a feeling of fullness for longer.

What About Fruit Juice?

Consuming fruit juice as a breakfast substitute more than three times a week can significantly increase the risk of being overweight or obese. On the other hand, individuals who don’t drink water during breakfast have a lower chance of being overweight compared to those who do. When consuming fruit in juice, it’s easy to consume excessive sugars. Whole fruits contain dietary fiber, which regulates sugar absorption and is often lacking in fruit juices.

Consider Breakfast Alternatives When Short on Time

Over half of the reasons people skip breakfast are “lack of time.” While a balanced breakfast with all five major nutrients is ideal, it may not always be practical. In such cases, consider breakfast alternatives. Commercially available breakfast substitutes provide balanced nutrition and energy. They are convenient, low in calories, and keep you full for an extended period.

By. Jeon Sin Young (press@daily.co.kr)


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