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Why Your Summer Hangover Feels Worse and How to Fight It

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The number of people enjoying outdoor activities will only increase with warmer weather. Whether it’s mountains, beaches, or the riversides, the frequency of alcohol consumption naturally rises as people share food amid their outdoor activities. In the spirit of the moment, often, people neglect to consider their physical condition and drink more than they intend to.

If you sweat a lot, pay more attention to hydration while drinking

The aftermath of excessive drinking becomes more severe as temperatures rise. Sweating more on hot midday can lead to dehydration and expanded blood vessels. The expanded blood vessels absorb a large amount of alcohol, and due to the decrease in body water, the blood alcohol concentration rapidly increases.

Hangover symptoms also last longer. As body temperature rises, energy metabolism becomes more active, and the liver has to work harder. Consequently, the ability to detoxify acetaldehyde, the substance that causes hangovers, decreases. Acetaldehyde affects the autonomic nervous system, causing various symptoms. Our bodies work to increase blood flow to expel acetaldehyde. If brain blood vessels rapidly expand during this time, it can increase brain pressure and potentially cause headaches. It is advisable to avoid taking painkillers at this time as they can put a strain on the liver, which is already busy breaking down alcohol.

Effective ingredients vary depending on hangover symptoms

When a hangover headache strikes, it’s good to add ingredients from the bark of the willow tree, which can alleviate pain. The polyphenols and flavonoids abundant in willow bark also have antioxidant effects, which can help expel oxidants from the expanded brain blood vessels due to alcohol.

Another common hangover symptom, dull skin, is closely related to the body’s dehydration. Alcohol itself promotes diuresis, and its breakdown process also requires a lot of water. If you repeatedly experience dehydration after drinking, consider consuming hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid can hold more than 1000 times its weight in water, making it a powerful tool to combat dehydrated skin.

If you’re suffering from stomach upset or bloating, choose foods like cabbage that are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, potassium, and calcium. Cabbage’s abundant Vitamin U combines with proteins to strengthen the gastric mucosa and regenerate damaged areas. Cabbage not only helps the stomach but also contains glucosinolates and vitamin C, which assist the liver in expelling toxins.





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