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Pharmacist Shares Detox Juice Recipe for Weight Loss and Health Boost

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A U.S. pharmacist has shared a detox juice recipe aimed at aiding weight loss and improving health.

RFondren Photography-shutterstock.com
RFondren Photography-shutterstock.com

According to the New York Post, pharmacist Mohamed Fawaz posted the recipe on his TikTok account, where he has over 63,000 followers. The video has received more than 1.7 million views.

Fawaz stated that the juice helps detoxify the liver, cleanse the colon, reduce weight, and boost energy. He recommends drinking it on an empty stomach every morning for seven days.

The recipe includes cucumber, celery, and either lemon or lime, with each ingredient offering specific benefits:


Cucumbers contain potassium, which helps remove toxins and heavy metals while improving blood health. Pectin fiber supports digestion and relieves constipation. Cucurbitacin in cucumber stems may inhibit cancer cell growth and aid in managing hepatitis.


Celery is high in water and fiber, supports digestion, eliminates harmful bacteria, and reduces bloating. Its vitamins, carotene, and iron contribute to improved immunity. Celery also has diuretic and laxative properties that help with detoxification and fatigue recovery.

Lemon and Lime

Lemons and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and citric acid. They aid in detoxifying the body and boosting metabolism. Their flavonoids offer antioxidant properties that protect cells and reduce inflammation.

Detox Juice Recipe

To make the juice:

  1. Halve a cucumber, a celery stalk, and a lemon or lime. Chop the cucumber and celery.
  2. Squeeze juice from half a lemon or lime into a blender with the chopped ingredients.
  3. Add 450 mL of water, blend, and strain.




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