An oddly shaped fish discovered on a beach in Singapore is causing quite a stir.

According to a report by the UK’s Daily Mail on the 4th, a man discovered a peculiar fish while strolling on the beach. The fish kept peeking its face out of the sand, opening and closing its mouth, and then retreating into the sand.
Intrigued by this behavior, he posted a video of the fish on his social media account, commenting that it appeared to be “looking at the sky as if waiting for prey.”
He continues to share observations, stating, “It resembles a stonefish or scorpionfish” and “it even has poisonous spines.”
The video has gained considerable attention online, with over 1.2 million views and more than 1 million likes.

The fish in the video has been identified as a Longnosed stargazer, commonly found in southern India, the East China Sea, Singapore, and the south of the Korean Peninsula in Korea.
This species is characterized by its large, club-shaped head and mouth that opens vertically upward. It is estimated to have over 50 different variants worldwide, some of which can generate electricity.
It hunts by hiding in the sand, staining its prey with venom or electric shocks. This species is known to be primarily nocturnal.
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