The Ministry of Environment and Kakao will cooperate to spread the culture of practicing carbon neutrality.
The Ministry of Environment will sign a business agreement with Kakao Corporation at Kakao’s Pangyo Hideout in Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, on the 26th.
Through this business agreement, the Ministry of Environment and Kakao plan to cooperate on △Promoting a national carbon-neutral lifestyle campaign using the Kakao platform △, Participating in the ‘carbon-neutral point system’ to spread the practice of carbon neutrality among Kakao employees (buildings) △, Linking carbon-neutral points with KakaoPay △, and Developing a national carbon-neutral practice program related to bicycles.
The carbon-neutral point system is a system that gives points that can be used, like cash, when you do activities that reduce carbon emissions, such as using a tumbler. Each person can receive up to 70,000 won ($59) annually.
Specifically, to encourage people to practice carbon-neutral lifestyles, they will launch a campaign to inform the public about the need to do so by using ‘KakaoTogetherValue,’ a social contribution donation platform in the KakaoTalk menu and the KakaoTalk ad window.
About 4,000 employees working at Kakao’s Pangyo Hideout and the stores in the building will participate in the carbon-neutral point system.
They will improve the convenience of the carbon-neutral point system for the public by linking carbon-neutral points and KakaoPay. This will allow users to receive accumulated carbon-neutral points, such as KakaoPay Money, and provide Kakao with an easy login service.
They will develop a national carbon-neutral practice program with Kakao T Bike to promote bicycle use.
Minister of Environment Han Wha Jin said, “Through cooperation with Kakao, an essential app for the people, and the carbon-neutral point system, an essential system for practicing carbon neutrality, we will activate the national practice campaign and make it possible to pay carbon-neutral points as KakaoPay, thereby enhancing public convenience.”
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