The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, one of America’s largest music festivals, recently wrapped up, but the festival’s sky-high prices left attendees equally stunned as the dazzling performances.
Broadcaster Jaejae, who was present at the festival, provided real-time insights into the local pricing situation via the YouTube channel MMTG. During a visit to a restaurant within the festival grounds, Jaejae ordered ribs, beef soup, and beer, revealing a staggering total bill of $82, including tax and tip. Furthermore, the prices for beverages such as lemonade at $20 and three beers, totaling $68, were not cheap either.

The astronomical costs extended beyond food to include storage expenses as well. A storage locker that could hold about two bags costs around $98, while a larger locker that holds roughly four bags costs approximately$125. Additionally, Jaejae’s experience at a Starbucks situated outside the festival revealed steep prices as well. Two cups of coffee and two sandwiches amounted to nearly $62, including the delivery tip.

Coachella is well-known as one of the festivals with the highest ticket prices in the U.S. Even the most affordable ticket costs around $625, not to mention the additional expenses for lodging and transportation to and from the festival grounds.
Considering the significant temperature fluctuations between day and night and the expenses associated with purchasing and storing various souvenirs, the overall costs are anticipated to be higher than one could imagine.
Those who have attended Coachella said, “American prices are known to be expensive, but Coachella’s prices are beyond that,” and “It’s prices that you couldn’t even imagine in Korea.” It seems that a hefty wallet is a must, along with the joy of the festival.
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