Actor Park Sung Hoon, who recently earned praise for his portrayal of a transgender character in Squid Game Season 2, is facing backlash after sharing an inappropriate parody video based on the Netflix series. The controversy comes just as the actor prepares to take on the role of King Yeonsangun, one of Korea’s most notorious historical figures, in his upcoming drama The Tyrant’s Chef.
The Tyrant’s Chef is a historical drama set in the Joseon Dynasty. Park Sung Hoon will play King Yeonsangun—an infamous ruler known for his brutal reign and complicated personality. The character is depicted as a tyrant who, despite his cruelty, has a passion for gourmet food, which provides a unique twist to the classic historical narrative.
Based on the popular web novel Surviving as Yeonsangun’s Chef, the series follows a chef who time-travels back to the Joseon era and, despite initially being regarded as a villain, becomes intertwined with Yeonsangun’s reign. The original web novel had a romance-centered plot. Still, the drama adaptation will focus on the fascinating, dual nature of the king—a combination of violence and indulgence in the finer things in life.
The drama is being produced by Studio Dragon, a leading Korean entertainment company, and is set to premiere on South Korea’s tvN network in the latter half of 2025. Park Sung Hoon will star alongside Yoon Ah of Girls’ Generation, marking an exciting pairing for the show.
However, just as excitement builds for his new role, Park Sung Hoon faces a wave of criticism following a recent social media incident. On Monday, he shared a provocative image on his Instagram account, which he quickly deleted after realizing the mistake. The image, which featured women exposing themselves in front of staff members dressed as Squid Game characters, was deemed inappropriate and sparked immediate backlash.
The timing of the incident has been especially damaging, as Park Sung Hoon had recently earned significant praise for his role in Squid Game Season 2, in which he portrayed a transgender character named Hyun Ju. This performance garnered both critical acclaim and widespread attention. The unauthorized parody content came from a Japanese source and clashed with his recent reputation as a talented and socially conscious actor.
In response to the controversy, Park Sung Hoon’s agency, BH Entertainment, issued a statement clarifying that the post was shared in error. According to the agency, Park Sung Hoon accidentally uploaded the image after receiving it via direct message. “He was shocked by the incident and will exercise greater caution to prevent such occurrences in the future,” the agency said.
Despite the apology, the actor’s social media has been criticized. Fans have expressed their disappointment, with comments ranging from “Where did you find this photo?” to “Live a more wholesome life” and “Now, I can’t unsee that image when I look at your face.”
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