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Athlete’s Foot Strikes in Winter — 10 Prevention Tips Inside!

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‘Athlete’s foot,’ often associated with a lack of cleanliness and embarrassment, is a fungal infection that affects the skin and can occur on the nails of the hands and feet. Given its unappealing appearance and potential for pain, it’s best to take preventative actions to avoid infection.

Known as a disease of humid summer: athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot, which affects the nails of the hands and feet, is known to have a high diagnosis rate during the humid summer season. However, it can easily worsen or spread during the winter. As the temperature drops, many women wear stockings and boots that do not absorb sweat well creating an ideal environment for the fungus that causes athlete’s foot.

Regardless of the season

Athlete’s foot is a disease caused by a fungal infection. It can occur at any time of the year if the environment is conducive to the growth of the fungus. While the symptoms may not be as severe in the winter due to reduced activity, they can occur frequently regardless of the season for those who live in high-humidity environments or sweat a lot.

Summer Athlete’s Foot VS Winter Athlete’s Foot

Summer athlete’s foot manifests as itchy, peeling skin between the toes due to sweat from the hot, humid weather, and in severe cases, swelling of the feet. In contrast, winter athlete’s foot results in cracked heels or soles due to dry, cold weather. While both are caused by the same fungus, the symptoms vary depending on the surrounding environment.

Long boots and stockings

Athlete’s foot often thought to be a male-specific issue, is quite common among women. Fleece-lined stockings, leggings, and boots can play a significant role in causing the condition. In particular, long boots, which many women wear, do not ventilate well. If worn for long periods, it’s better to wear socks made from natural fibers that absorb sweat well. If you sweat a lot, prepare extra socks to change into.

Various Forms of Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot can be divided into three major forms. The first is ‘interdigital,’ which occurs between the toes where sweat accumulates, characterized by whitish, peeling skin and severe itching. The second is ‘vesicular,’ which involves the formation of small blisters on the soles or sides of the feet. Scratching these blisters can lead to secondary bacterial infections. The last is ‘moccasin,’ which involves thickening of the skin across the entire sole producing a white powder when scratched. This form is known to be more resistant to treatment and requires a longer treatment period compared to other forms.

How to Distinguish Athlete’s Foot, Eczema, and Herpetic Whitlow

Eczema typically occurs on the hands and it is less likely to occur on the feet. Herpetic whitlow usually occurs on the edges of the fingers and differs somewhat in appearance from a typical athlete’s foot infection. Some people mistake athlete’s foot for herpetic whitlow or eczema and use steroid creams. Long-term use of steroids during an athlete’s foot infection may initially appear to improve the condition but can lead to an increase in bacterial growth and worsen symptoms, so caution is needed.

Keep your feet dry

Always keep your feet clean, well-ventilated, and dry. When washing your feet, it’s more helpful in preventing athlete’s foot to wash carefully between the toes rather than just rinsing the entire foot. Especially, the space between the fourth and fifth toes is narrower than the others which doesn’t ventilate well and hold more moisture, making it easy for athlete’s foot to develop. After washing your feet, make sure to dry them thoroughly and apply powder to maintain them in a dry state.

Use Sterilized Nail Clippers

It’s also important to use sterilized nail clippers. The fungus causing athlete’s foot on the nails is highly contagious and can spread just by touching the affected area. If sterilizing seems tedious, use separate clippers for the hands and feet. If anyone in the family has athlete’s foot make sure to use separate indoor slippers to prevent cross-infection.

Take Personal Items to Saunas

Hot springs, saunas, and steam rooms, which are frequently visited in the winter, are places where it’s easy for athlete’s foot to spread. These places maintain temperatures as hot as the summer, creating an ideal environment for the fungus to grow. If the skin flakes of an infected person remain on shared footrests or towels, there is a high risk of infection. When visiting such communal facilities, always take your items to wipe off any sweat-soaked skin well, and ensure it’s thoroughly dried.

Don’t Wear the Same Shoes Every Day

Instead of continuously wearing the same shoes, alternate between several pairs to prevent moisture build-up in your feet. Avoid wearing stockings or shoes that apply pressure. If you wear boots or high heels to work, change into comfortable shoes once you’re in the office. When storing shoes, placing newspaper or powdered athlete’s foot medication inside can also be an effective prevention method.

By. Sin Yeong Jeon





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