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ancient Archives - ViewusGlobal

#ancient (4 Posts)

  • 50,000-Year-Old Baby Mammoth Found Intact in Siberian Ice A well-preserved baby mammoth, named Yana, was discovered in Russia, offering insights into Ice Age ecosystems and preservation.
  • 3,500-Year-Old Receipt Found in Turkey: World’s Oldest Shopping List Archaeologists in Turkey have made a remarkable discovery: a stone tablet that served as a receipt for furniture purchased 3,500 years ago.
  • Ear Candling: Holistic Health Trend or Potential Hazard? Ear candling, a therapeutics passed down from ancient times has shown its effectiveness. The history of ear candling is quite systematic and extensive. So, what exactly is ear candling, and how can it be done safely at home? What is an Ear Candle? An ear candle is a hollow cone made from natural fibers that […]
  • Ancient Sites Under Siege: Microplastics Found in Archaeological Layers Microplastics have been detected in soil samples from ancient archaeological sites of high historical value. This could bring changes to the long-preferred method of preserving archaeological sites. On the 25th (local time), CNN reported that a team of archaeologists from the University of York in the UK recently discovered microplastics 7 meters deep in soil […]


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