PayPal Sued for Excluding Asian American Entrepreneurs from $535 Million Investment InitiativePayPal faces a lawsuit for racial discrimination, accused of excluding an Asian American entrepreneur from a $535M initiative.
China's Education System Faces Extreme Gender Imbalance: More Boys in Kindergarten, More Girls in CollegeChina's education system shows a gender imbalance, with more males in early education but a significant female majority in universities.
TSMC Sued for Alleged Racial Discrimination: American Workers Speak Out Against BiasTSMC faces a lawsuit for alleged discrimination against American employees at its Arizona facility, favoring Taiwanese staff.
Personality Quiz or Job Barrier? Japan’s Use of MBTI in Recruitment Raises QuestionsThe MBTI test, now popular in Japan, influences hiring decisions despite criticisms about its reliability and potential for discrimination.
Knocked Out of the Ring: Ryan Garcia Expelled by WBC for Discriminatory CommentsRyan Garcia emerging as a star poised to lead the boxing world, has been expelled from the World Boxing Council (WBC) due to racist remarks.
China Plans to End Discrimination Against Foreign CompaniesChina's economic heavyweight, the Vice-premier has instructed to rectify discrimination against foreign companies.
China's Foreign Minister Seeks Business-Friendly Environment for Chinese Companies in AustraliaMinister Wang suggested the U.S. should not influence the bilateral relationship Wang Yi, the top diplomat of China, visited Australia for the first time in seven years. As this visit thaws the atmosphere between China and Australia, Wang emphasized that the third party should not interfere with the bilateral relationship, raising the voice of restraint […]
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