Canadian Woman Repeated ER Visits for Alcohol Intoxication Without DrinkingReports of a case of a woman who hasn't consumed alcohol, being repeatedly rushed to the emergency room for alcohol intoxication.
Frozen Fingers? and Chilly Toes? 10 Life Hacks to Beat Cold Extremities SyndromeCold extremities syndrome is when your hands or feet become uncomfortably cold, even if the temperat ...
Could Your Nightmares Signal Something More Serious? New Study Links Them to THIS DiseasesResearch has surfaced suggesting that nightmares and hallucinations could be early symptoms of autoimmune diseases.
Heat Waves Linked to Higher Stroke Risk in Elderly Women, Study FindsA recent study reveals that the risk of stroke is remarkably higher in elderly people and women during hot nights.
Could Your Memory Slips Signal Alzheimer's? New Research Suggests Yes!Research has shown that even if cognitive abilities are average, memory issues could increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Coffee Consumption Linked to Decreased Heart Disease Deaths, Study FindsA study has emerged suggesting that coffee can prevent heart disease. The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute announced their research findings in the September issue of the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. The study suggests that drinking two to three cups of coffee a day can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and premature death. […]
Why You Can't Shake That Afternoon Fatigue: The Blood Sugar ConnectionMany people may have experienced bouts of sleepiness as the weather warms up. This could be chalked ...
Young People With Diabetes Face Higher Alzheimer's Risk, Study FindsResearchers have found that teenagers and young adults with diabetes face an increased risk of devel ...
Double Trouble: Two APOE4 Genes Escalate Alzheimer's OnsetDBResearch has shown that people with two APOE4 genes have a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease.The ...
10 Ear Diseases You Should Never IgnoreOur ears do more tasks than just hearing; they help maintain balance, ensuring our bodies stand upri ...
Olive Oil Proven to Reduce Dementia-Related DeathsA recent study has shown that olive oil can reduce the risk of dementia-related death.These results ...
Oral Rinse Shows Promise in Early Gastric Cancer DiagnosisResearch findings that mouthwash can lead to early diagnosis of gastric cancer were announced at Dig ...
Dysphagia: Swallowing Disorder You Probably Haven't Heard OfIn recent years, there has been a steady increase in patients suffering from dysphagia or difficulty ...
Busting Myths: New Study Shows Zinc Doesn't Prevent ColdsA study suggests that zinc does not significantly impact the treatment and prevention of the common cold.
Could Your Heartburn Meds Be Giving You Headaches? New Research Reveals Surprising LinkThe risk of migraines and severe headaches can increase due to the consumption of acid-reducing drugs has been revealed. The research results suggesting that the risk of migraines and severe headaches can increase due to the consumption of acid-reducing drugs have been published in Neurology Clinical Practice Journal. Acid reflux generally occurs after meals or […]
Brazil's Deadly Dengue Fever Crisis Worst Year on RecordBrazil has reported record numbers of deaths and infections from dengue fever. Although the country’s Ministry of Health reports that the spread of the disease has slowed recently, there is still concern that the number of infections and deaths could continue to increase. According to official data released by the Ministry of Health on the […]
Feeling Tired This Spring? Here's Why and What to Do About ItIs spring fatigue a disease? To cut to the chase, it’s not. It’s not a precise medical term or diagnosis but a temporary condition that occurs when the body’s rhythms are disrupted during the spring. If you feel lethargic and lose your appetite amid outdoor temperatures exceeding 84.2 degrees Fahrenheit but without any specific area […]
Surge in Scrub Typhus Cases Sparks Concern: KDCA Issues CautionTwice the Level Compared to 2019Caution Against Mites During Outdoor Activities As the weather gets warmer, an unexpected infectious disease is spreading. People resting on grass. Image to aid understanding of the article / Sunny The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) warned on the 18th that scrub typhus, also known as […]
Truth About Cardiovascular Disease - Here's What You Need to KnowCardiovascular disease poses a significant threat to the health of our heart, which serves as the pump supplying blood throughout our bodies. One of the most frightening aspects of cardiovascular disease is that it is the leading cause of sudden death. If a heart vessel suddenly ruptures or becomes blocked, the heart muscle tissue or […]
Japan's Oldest Panda Dies of Heart Disease at 29The panda Shuang Shuang at Japan’s Kobe Oji Zoo The panda Shuang Shuang (female, born in September 1995) at Japan’s Kobe Oji Zoo passed away on the 31st of last month after suffering from severe heart failure (the most serious level of heart disease) for several years. The Panda Cooperation Agreement between China and the […]
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