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#disease (107 Posts)

  • Spotting the Signs: How to Recognize Depression in Young People The 1020s, the new generation of depression.
  • High-Fat, Low-Carb Diet Delays Memory Loss in Alzheimer's Mouse Models [iNews24 Reporter Shin Soo-jeong] The 'low-carb, high-fat' keto diet, known as one of the most popular diets, is associated with early memory impairment in the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) stage of a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
  • What You Need to Know About SFTS and Preventing Tick Bites Outdoor safety tips you must follow.
  • Why Young Americans Can't Kick the Spicy, Sweet, and Salty Habit The number of gout patients, a disease known to be so painful that even a light breeze can cause tremendous pain, is steadily rising. The number of young gout patients in their 20s and 30s, in particular, is rapidly increasing. According to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the number of patients in their […]
  • Lethal Infection from Japan Spreading at High Speed A streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) epidemic is spreading rapidly in Japan, with a fatality rate of up to 30%. The number of cases has already exceeded last year's outbreak, and is a major concern, especially among the elderly and young...
  • Two Weeks to Improve Vision, Renowned Doctor Recognizes Tips for Eye Health The eyes are the first part of the body to show signs of aging, can’t avoid aging, but regular care can help prevent presbyopia. In Korea, one out of every three adults suffers from a presbyopia-related disease. If you are unable to read the text on your smartphone all of a sudden, or if your […]
  • Don't Ignore Intestinal Metaplasia: A Key Factor in Gastric Cancer Risk The National Health Insurance Service revealed that South Korea has the highest rate of stomach cancer among OECD countries. Many people are diagnosed with gastritis through endoscopy. Still, due to the perception of it being a common disease, people do not take special treatment or prevention measures until the pain worsens to a more severe […]
  • Korean Actor Opens Up About Son's Rare Illness and School Bullying Actor Kwon Oh-joong appeared as a guest on MBN's 'High School Dad 4' to talk about his son's experience as a teenage mom who was 'bullied' while in school...
  • Diabetes Complications More Frightening Than Cancer! – Here's What You Need to Know severe blindness,.
  • 9 out of 10 Deaths! What You MUST Know About Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic cancer is called the "worst cancer" because "9 out of 10 people die from it". It is said that there is a good program coming soon that you can refer to in order to know and prepare for pancreatic diseases that can become pancreatic cancer in advance...
  • Athlete's Foot Strikes in Winter — 10 Prevention Tips Inside! Athlete's foot isn't just a summer issue; winter's sweat-absorbing clothing can worsen it. Prevent year-round.
  • Sore Throat or Something Else? 10 Facts You MUST Know About Throat Infections As the weather cools, sore throats increase; learn about causes and treatments for different throat infections.
  • Women Live Longer but Report Worse Health, Says National Institute of Health Research Women tend to live longer but face more health issues. Chronic diseases, mental health, and hormonal changes affect women's well-being.
  • Actor and a Father Opens Up About His Son's Rare Disease and School Bullying Actor Kwon Oh-jung opens up about son's rare disease and bullying ordeal - heartfelt confessions and support.
  • Beware of the 'Silent Killer' in Chilly Weather: How to Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases Chilly weather increases risk of cardiovascular diseases; prevention through healthy habits is crucial during temperature fluctuations.
  • Perfect Fall Snack Packed with 10 Surprising Health Benefits Discover the health benefits and delicious ways to enjoy chestnuts this fall, along with a microwave rice porridge recipe.
  • Why You're Always Hungry in the Fall – 10 Surprising Cause Fall's stronger appetite due to less sunlight and depression can be managed with better habits, protein, and sun exposure.
  • Stressed Out? You Might Be at a Higher Risk for Alzheimer’s Stress-related disorders, including PTSD, are associated with a higher risk of developing dementia, particularly in older individuals.
  • When Rhinitis Strikes: 10 Hospital Departments That Can Help You Select specialized hospital departments based on the affected body area: Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Endocrinology, and more.
  • If You Spend Over 3 Hours a Day on Computers or Phones – Suspect THIS Disease Turtle Neck Syndrome, caused by poor posture, strains the neck. Correct posture, light stretching, physiotherapy, or medication can help.
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