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epidemic Archives - ViewusGlobal

#epidemic (6 Posts)

  • Can a Hamster Bite Kill You? Spanish Woman’s Death Raises Alarming Questions A woman in Spain died after a hamster bite, but authorities are investigating the unclear link between the bite and her death.
  • Sudden Hearing Loss: The Silent Epidemic in the U.S. Sudden dullness in one ear, difficulty hearing, or a ringing sound might be signs of sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is defined as a loss of hearing of more than 30 decibels in at least three connected frequencies within three days. Unexpected hearing loss often results from a complex interaction of various […]
  • The Silent Epidemic: Drug Use Surges Among Korean Youth Recent survey results from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety reveal a concerning rise in drug use, particularly among younger demographics. According to the survey, 3 out of every 100 adults have used at least one type of illegal drug. The perception that South Korea is no longer a drug-free nation is also gaining […]
  • Lethal Infection from Japan Spreading at High Speed A streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) epidemic is spreading rapidly in Japan, with a fatality rate of up to 30%. The number of cases has already exceeded last year's outbreak, and is a major concern, especially among the elderly and young...
  • WHO: ‘If an Epidemic Arises in Gaza, Death Tolls Could Be Up to 88,000 More People by August' The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concern that the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, which is intensifying amid clashes between the Israeli military and Palestinian armed group Hamas, could result in many more deaths if an epidemic breaks out. According to the WHO on the 6th (local time), Richard Pepperkorn, the Palestinian relief […]
  • Bedbug Panic in Hong Kong: Pesticide Sales Soar 172X Hong Kong faces a bedbug scare due to overseas reports, prompting a surge in pest control requests and pesticide sales.