As North Korea Faces Hunger, Kim Jong Un Shows Off New Russian HorsesDespite North Korea's food shortages and flooding, Kim has imported 24 expensive Russian Orlov horses, raising concerns about sanctions.
Kim Jong Un's Flood Fallout: How North Korea's Disaster is Triggering a Defection RushNorth Korea's flood recovery and food shortages are causing rising discontent, potentially leading to an increase in defections.
'Hangry' North Korean Soldiers Skip Training Amid Food ShortageTraining of North Korean agricultural workers (Photo = My Country)Amidst the ongoing food shortage i ...
Why North Korea Isn't On UN’s Food Crisis Report for the 7th Consecutive YearNorth Korea, a country chronically suffering from food shortages, has been excluded from the United Nations’ “Food Crisis Countries” list for the seventh consecutive year due to a lack of data on its food situation. According to News1 on the 25th, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported that North Korea was not included in the list […]
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