Secrets of North Korean-style Cold Noodles: Why Pyongyang's Dish is a Subtle AddictionWith the season of cold noodles upon us, Pyongyang Cold Noodles, known as Pyongyang Naengmyeon, feat ...
Olive Oil Proven to Reduce Dementia-Related DeathsA recent study has shown that olive oil can reduce the risk of dementia-related death.These results ...
Think Twice Before You Snack: Deadly Risks of Processed FoodsThe impact of the overall quality of one's diet on mortality has been found to be higher than the co ...
Say Cheese! The Unexpected Health Booster in Your FridgeCheese is made by extracting casein from milk and fermenting it with microbes and enzymes. Its history dates back to ancient Egypt around 2300 BC, as evidenced by its discovery in ancient Egyptian pottery. Cheese is rich in protein, fats, and vitamins, and above all, it’s a delicious fermented food. Let’s now explore the amazing […]
Unlocking the Health Benefits of Broccoli: More Than Just a Green VeggieBroccoli might not be the most appetizing vegetable to munch on, but this tiny green powerhouse is packed with nutrients that benefit our health. If you find it challenging to eat it daily, why not try varying your cooking methods to make it a regular part of your diet? Today, we will delve into the […]
Avocados: The Tasty Secret to Preventing Diabetes in WomenA recent study showed the effectiveness of avocados in preventing diabetes in women. The correlation between avocado consumption and the risk of diabetes is published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Diabetes. In Mexico, 15.2% of the adult population, which is about 12.8 million adults, have diabetes. Diabetes can lead to serious […]
Unlocking the Power of Arachidonic Acid in Battling Bipolar DisorderResearch has found that arachidonic acid, a type of fatty acid, can aid in the prevention of bipolar disorder. The study revealing metabolites related to bipolar disorder was published in the Biological Psychiatry Journal. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by alternating episodes of mania and depression. During manic episodes, individuals may feel unrealistically […]
Pistachio Craze: Why Everyone's Going Nuts for This Superfood Pistachios are called the queen of nuts due to their high nutritional value, containing vitami ...
Americans Turn Away from McDonald's and Starbucks After Price HikesAccording to a new analysis, recent inflation by major food and beverage franchises such as McDonald ...
Chinese Beverage Brand Stirs Up Debate Over Fukushima WaterA Chinese beverage brand has gained significant attention after it included messages on its product ...
10 Interesting Facts Behind Supertasting and Taste AddictionJust as each person has different abilities, there are also individual variations in taste. Taste is one of the five senses that allow us to perceive the flavor of food. Differences in genetics can influence the taste buds and taste cells on our tongues, and even with the same number of taste cells, their sensitivity […]
Dark Chocolate: 10 Surprising Health Benefits Beyond the TasteWhile munching on milk or white chocolate, one often thinks, “I should only eat a little.” They’re sweet, and we naturally assume they are bad for our health. In reality, those who want to reap the health benefits of chocolate often opt for dark chocolate. But is dark chocolate, which has a stronger bitter taste […]
Secret Weapon Against Menopause? Korean Soybean Paste to the RescueA recent study has found that traditional Korean soybean paste, known as doenjang, effectively alleviates menopausal symptoms. The effectiveness of traditional Korean doenjang’s relieving menopausal symptoms is published in Nutrients. Doenjang is a fermented food with a rich history dating back to 2000 years ago in Asia. It has been around longer than miso paste […]
Scrubber Particles Found in Chinese MooncakesThe Korean Food and Drug Administration has ordered a halt in sales after discovering scrubber particles in Chinese mooncakes sold in the market. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced on the 1st that they are halting sales and recalling some of the Chinese mooncakes imported and sold by Yoon Foods. According to the […]
Black Coffee: Secret Weapon for Weight Loss and Dementia PreventionResearch reveals coffee’s positive impact on heart, brain, and weight Research papers demonstrated black coffee aids in weight loss and dementia prevention. (Photo=DB) An article in a prominent U.S. media outlet states that black coffee aids in weight loss and the prevention of dementia. One cup of black coffee has 2 calories (roughly 0.002 […]
Hungover? Here's What People Eat Around the World to Feel BetterSeaweed food from around the world.
Wellness Trend Swaps Coffee for This Calming Cup of TeaAs wellness rises, tea beverage sales steadily increase due to a growing number of people opting for tea over other beverages. While there are various ways to enjoy tea, such as visiting a “tea omakase” that allows you to enjoy multiple types of tea with simple snacks or “tea classes,” overconsumption can negatively impact your […]
Spicy Carbonara Noodles That's Making Foodies Go Crazy – Why America is ObsessedSamyang Roundsquare was released on the 19th, and the New York Times featured the American shortage of Samyang Buldak Carbonara Ramen, a signature product of Samyang Food and a favorite of Vice President Kim Jung Soo of Samyang Roundsquare. According to the New York Times, the product is difficult to purchase despite being sold at […]
Cat Food Chaos: What's Up with the Voldemort Feed List?The Voldemort Feed List, a list of cat food brands, is drawing attention. Unrelated photo /, Recently, online cat communities and social media have been active in sharing a list of certain cat foods suspected of causing neurological and muscular disorders in cats. The term Voldemort Feed is borrowed from the Harry Potter […]
Top 10 Harry Potter Foods to Try at Universal StudiosMust-Try Universal Studios Foods.
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