Are You Really Hungry? How to Tell if Your Cravings Are Real or Just a TrickEven without feeling hungry, we often enjoy eating. This can lead to weight gain and a decline in he ...
Knee-Cap Catastrophe: Is Your Dog at Risk of THIS Common Condition?In an era where the pet population has reached 15 million, one common concern for dog owners is a co ...
Ugly Truth Behind Quick-Fix Weight Loss SolutionsExtreme diets, such as eating too little, fasting, or enduring strenuous exercise, can be a shortcut ...
Microplastics: More Than Skin Deep?A recent study found that only a minuscule amount of microplastics exposed to the skin reach the bloodstream. The study, which used a human skin model to investigate the absorption of microplastics into the skin and bloodstream, was published in the International Environmental Journal. Microplastics are plastic particles less than 5mm (0.2 in) in size. […]
Beat Osteoarthritis to the Punch with BiomarkersBlood biomarkers can predict osteoarthritis onset 8 years earlier than X-ray images. A study published in the scientific journal Science Advances shows that the onset of osteoarthritis can be predicted eight years earlier than X-ray images by testing blood biomarkers. Osteoarthritis (OA) is an irreversible degenerative disease. However, the progression of the disease can be […]
10 Interesting Facts Behind Supertasting and Taste AddictionJust as each person has different abilities, there are also individual variations in taste. Taste is one of the five senses that allow us to perceive the flavor of food. Differences in genetics can influence the taste buds and taste cells on our tongues, and even with the same number of taste cells, their sensitivity […]
Breathe Better, Live Better: A Guide to Lung Health10 Ways to Boost Your Lung Power The lung is the center of the respiratory system and is always hard at work without even noticing. People take about 23,000 breaths a day, and with each breath, the lungs filter out waste and continually move vital oxygen into the bloodstream and to every cell in the […]
Dark Chocolate: 10 Surprising Health Benefits Beyond the TasteWhile munching on milk or white chocolate, one often thinks, “I should only eat a little.” They’re sweet, and we naturally assume they are bad for our health. In reality, those who want to reap the health benefits of chocolate often opt for dark chocolate. But is dark chocolate, which has a stronger bitter taste […]
Alzheimer's Mystery Unraveled: The Gut-Brain ConnectionA study has found that gut bacteria metabolites affect the brain in Alzheimer’s disease. The study, which used artificial intelligence to investigate the reaction of brain receptors to the metabolites of gut bacteria in Alzheimer’s disease, was published in Cell Reports. The gut-brain axis, linked to the gut microbiome, provides clues to the causes and […]
Sudden Hearing Loss: The Silent Epidemic in the U.S.Sudden dullness in one ear, difficulty hearing, or a ringing sound might be signs of sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is defined as a loss of hearing of more than 30 decibels in at least three connected frequencies within three days. Unexpected hearing loss often results from a complex interaction of various […]
Want to Live Longer? A Calorie-Restricted Diet Might HelpResearch has shown that limiting caloric intake can extend one’s lifespan. The study, published in Aging Cell, found that restricting caloric intake could slow down the shortening of telomeres that occurs with aging, potentially prolonging life. It is widely known that diet and exercise influence health, and according to studies, they also affect the rate […]
Can the Keto Diet Help Prevent Alzheimer's? New Study Says Yes!The ketogenic diet’s property of lowering blood tau protein and lipid levels has been revealed. A study published in the Aging Journal showed that the ketogenic diet affected reducing blood tau protein and lipid levels in mice with Alzheimer’s disease. A research team at the University of California, Davis, noted that the number of patients […]
Seoul City Offers Anonymous HIV Testing for Public HealthAny subjects panicking about possibly being infected with AIDS can get tested anonymously without revealing their name, social security number, or address at a public health center near downtown Seoul. The city has detected 1,064 infected individuals early through anonymous rapid testing. Seoul City announced on the 2nd that it will offer the HIV Quick […]
Brazil's Deadly Dengue Fever Crisis Worst Year on RecordBrazil has reported record numbers of deaths and infections from dengue fever. Although the country’s Ministry of Health reports that the spread of the disease has slowed recently, there is still concern that the number of infections and deaths could continue to increase. According to official data released by the Ministry of Health on the […]
The Surprising Health Benefits of SleepA recent study suggests that adequate sleep may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The results, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA Network Open), suggest that maintaining a consistent and healthy sleep pattern can enhance an individual’s overall well-being. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for about […]
Green Tea vs. Hot Water: Which Boosts Brainpower Better?[MedicalToday] Drinking moderate amounts of plain and roasted green tea may improve mental task performance, according to a study...
Straight or Curly? Science Behind Your Hair TypeEveryone has a unique hair shape and texture. Some people have very straight hair, while others have curly hair that looks like they’ve had a perm. Even after straightening your hair at the salon, the curls return after a while because each person’s natural hair is slightly different. But what causes this difference in hair […]
Does Swearing Reduce Pain? Science Says Yes!Does swearing reduce pain?
Wellness Trend Swaps Coffee for This Calming Cup of TeaAs wellness rises, tea beverage sales steadily increase due to a growing number of people opting for tea over other beverages. While there are various ways to enjoy tea, such as visiting a “tea omakase” that allows you to enjoy multiple types of tea with simple snacks or “tea classes,” overconsumption can negatively impact your […]
No Exercise, No Problem: GM Diet Plan That's Taking the U.S. by StormThe GM Diet is making headlines as a diet plan that can reduce weight through dietary adjustments alone, without exercise. This diet is particularly noted for its ability to rapidly decrease weight over a week, with some days allowing unrestricted eating of certain foods. Many are now curious about the GM Diet and how it […]
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