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heart health Archives - ViewusGlobal

#heart-health (4 Posts)

  • Good News for Chocolate Lovers: It Might Be Better for Your Heart Than You Think A study reveals that moderate sugar intake, like chocolate, may benefit heart health more than total sugar avoidance.
  • Swap Meat for Beans: Study Finds Plant Proteins Could Boost Heart Health New research shows increasing plant-based protein intake can significantly reduce heart disease risk and improve heart health.
  • Study Finds Plant-Based Meats Better for Heart Health Than Animal Meats The superb benefits of plant-based meat alternatives in improving cardiovascular risk factors than actual meat have been found.
  • Coffee Consumption Linked to Decreased Heart Disease Deaths, Study Finds A study has emerged suggesting that coffee can prevent heart disease. The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute announced their research findings in the September issue of the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. The study suggests that drinking two to three cups of coffee a day can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and premature death. […]