Cattle Thefts on the Rise in North Korea as Food Shortages Get WorseRising cattle thefts in North Korea highlight severe food insecurity as desperation drives people to steal livestock for survival.
Deadly Heat Wave Hits North Korea: Over 1,000 Illnesses and Livestock Losses ReportedNorth Korea's heat wave has increased heat-related illnesses and livestock deaths, with over 1,000 cases reported in rural areas.
How Spain Is Using Goats and Sheep to Battle Wildfire SeasonAs Europe grapples with record-breaking heatwaves and wildfires, a wildfire prevention strategy using goats and sheep has emerged.
Denmark Introduces 'Fart Tax' to Curb EmissionsDenmark, known as the dairy powerhouse, has decided to impose a carbon tax on farmers for the first time in the world. The so-called “fart tax” that is imposed depending on carbon dioxide emissions, is expected to levy approximately $107 per cow annually. According to the Financial Times (FT) on the 25th (local time), the […]
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