BMW Launches 330Li Long Wheelbase Model in India with Enhanced Interior SpaceBMW launches the Long Wheelbase 3 Series in India, enhancing rear space and luxury features for a competitive market position.
North Korean Hypersonic Missile Test Aimed at Striking U.S. Bases in Guam and AlaskaExperts say a new hypersonic missile test launch likely soonJoint Chiefs of Staff “tracking and monitoring North Korea’s weapons development trends… improving our military response capabilities” North Korea conducted a ground jet test of a multi-stage solid fuel engine for an intermediate-range hypersonic missile on the 19th, under the watchful eye of North Korean Leader […]
North Korea's Secret Weapon: Hypersonic Missile Test Sparks AlarmYonhap News Yonhap News North Korean authorities have been confirmed to have successfully conducted a test of a solid fuel engine for a new-type intermediate-range hypersonic missile. After conducting a test of the engine last November and mounting it on a missile for a flight test this January, they have once again pushed for a […]
Disney Cancels Production of ‘Aladdin 2’?: ”Everything is on hold” [TVReport] We may never see Disney's "Aladdin 2" again. On April 18 (local time), U.S. media outlet Movie Web published an interview with Mena Masood, the lead actress of Aladdin...
Becoming a Mom: Paris Hilton's Journey through Surrogate Pregnancy and Fulfilling Her Desires [TV Report] Hollywood star Paris Hilton, 42, is preparing for the upcoming Christmas...
Fit but Still Sick? Why Exercise May Not Outrun Genetic Risk
Pop an Advil, Protect Your Brain? NSAIDs Linked to Lower Dementia Risk
Feeling Sluggish? This Detox Juice Could Be the Boost You Need
Puffy and Bloated? Here’s Why Your Body Might Be Hoarding Water
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