China's Military Puts Taiwan on Notice: Largest Drill Since May After 'One China' RejectionAccording to Japan's NHK, China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) announced plans for large-scale military exercises around Taiwan on Monday.
China Warns U.S.: Hands Off Taiwan, Cease Provocations in South China SeaVice Minister Ma Zhaoxu Deputy Security of State Kurt Campbell discussed current issues between the two countries on the 30th of last month.
China Warns: Taiwan's Push for Independence is a 'Dead-End Road'On the 20th, China aggressively launched a campaign against Taiwan, stating that the sovereignty cla ...
China Warns Korea Against Taiwan's Participation in Democracy SummitTaiwan should not participate in the Democracy SummitNewly appointed spokesperson Lin Jian suggestedAlso criticized that it only brings humiliation upon themselves On the 18th, China opposed Taiwan’s participation in the third Democracy Summit held in Korea, demanding Korea’s adherence to the “One China” principle. Lin Jian, the new Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, […]
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