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Taste Archives - ViewusGlobal

#taste (4 Posts)

  • 10 Underrated Superfoods You Should Be Eating Now what foods are rich in various nutrients but often overlooked and underappreciated? From beets to dried plums, anchovies, and Swiss chard.
  • 10 Interesting Facts Behind Supertasting and Taste Addiction Just as each person has different abilities, there are also individual variations in taste. Taste is one of the five senses that allow us to perceive the flavor of food. Differences in genetics can influence the taste buds and taste cells on our tongues, and even with the same number of taste cells, their sensitivity […]
  • Dark Chocolate: 10 Surprising Health Benefits Beyond the Taste While munching on milk or white chocolate, one often thinks, “I should only eat a little.” They’re sweet, and we naturally assume they are bad for our health. In reality, those who want to reap the health benefits of chocolate often opt for dark chocolate. But is dark chocolate, which has a stronger bitter taste […]
  • Truth About Why Airplane Coffee Tastes Disgusting, Flight Attendants Say Why does airplane coffee taste different? Water quality, altitude, and sensory factors affect the flavor. Consider wine as an alternative.