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20,000 Murders a Year: Most Dangerous Travel Spot on Earth

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Ranked as the world’s most dangerous vacation spot.
Safety score of 0.81 out of 10.

The recent report from the American security company ADT, as reported by the South African daily, The Star, reveals this alarming information.

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ADT assessed safety scores for the countries most frequently visited by tourists from 2017 to 2019, based on data from the U.K. Office for National Statistics (ONS). This assessment considered factors such as the number of robberies per 100,000 people.

As a result, South Africa, located at the southern tip of the African continent, emerged as the world’s most dangerous vacation destination. It scored a mere 0.81 out of 10, the lowest possible score.

Aerial view of Cape Town, South Africa / Deyan Denchev-Shutterstock.com

In fact, South Africa has the highest number of robberies per 100,000 people, with a staggering 852.8 incidents. It has gained notoriety for its alarmingly high crime rate, with approximately 20,000 homicides occurring yearly among its 60 million population.

According to statistics released by local police in May of this year, there were 6,289 homicide victims in South Africa during the first quarter of this year, as reported by Asia Economy.

The United States follows closely behind, scoring 2.17 out of 10. The robbery rate in the U.S. stands at approximately 714.4 incidents per 100,000 people.

Meanwhile, the recently published ‘World’s Most Livable Cities’ rankings have also garnered attention.

Last month, on May 21st (local time), the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) of the United Kingdom released a partial report of the World’s Most Livable City Index. Vienna, Austria, claimed the top spot among 173 cities, receiving a score of 98.4 out of 100.

Following Vienna, Copenhagen, Denmark (98.0), Melbourne, Australia (97.7), Sydney, Australia (97.4), Vancouver, Canada (97.3), and Zurich, Switzerland (97.1) were recognized as some of the world’s most livable cities. In Asia, Osaka, Japan, made it into the top 10 with a score of 97.0. Seoul and Busan are estimated to have ranked around the 60th position.

By Kim Hee-eun (1127khe@wikitree.co.kr)


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