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10 Steps to Keep Your Joints Healthy as You Age

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As we age, our physical functions decline, and our immune system weakens. This increases the likelihood of contracting various diseases, which can lead to severe after-effects if not properly managed. Arthritis is a condition that almost everyone develops as they age. The most common type is osteoarthritis, primarily caused by joint wear and tear. There’s also inflammatory arthritis, including psoriatic arthritis related to the inflammatory skin condition psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Let’s explore 10 ways to reduce the risk of arthritis.

Daily Stretching

It’s crucial to manage arthritis before it gets worse. Stretching daily helps move your joints and muscles, lowering the risk of injury. Before stretching, warm up your body by walking for 5 minutes or taking a hot shower or bath. You can start stretching after getting your blood circulating, even if you don’t use these specific methods.

Practicing Yoga

After stretching, restorative yoga is recommended for joint and mental health. It involves simple movements that relax the entire body without maintaining challenging postures. Holding a child’s pose for three minutes can help soothe the hips and various muscles, including those in the back.

Stay Hydrated

Some people only drink water when they’re thirsty. However, feeling thirsty means it’s already too late. It’s a sign that cells and the heart are already experiencing dehydration. To prevent arthritis, always keep your body sufficiently hydrated. Although it seems simple, drinking enough water can significantly affect your health. Water is crucial for cell health, tissues, organs, and temperature regulation by eliminating waste and toxins.

Take Supplements

While no magical supplement exists to treat or prevent arthritis, studies have shown that glucosamine supplements or omega-3 fatty acids can improve osteoarthritis symptoms. Recent research also suggests that curcumin, an active compound in turmeric, may slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is essential to always check with a doctor about the appropriate dosage before taking supplements.

Improving Immune Health and Sleep Quality

During the transitional seasons with significant temperature changes and dry air, the immune system can weaken, making one more susceptible to diseases. Healthy eating habits and sleep quality are crucial to boost your immune system. A 2019 study reported that chronic insomnia and sleep disorders could contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Sleep disorders are associated with inflammatory markers in the blood related to arthritis pain.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is vital for preventing osteoarthritis. It reduces the gravity on the joints and strengthens the lower body muscles supporting them. An increase in body weight accelerates the wear and tear of cartilage within the joints, and certain factors produced by fat cells can indirectly promote osteoarthritis.

Quit Smoking

To prevent arthritis, you should avoid smoking. Smoking significantly increases the risk of developing autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. According to one study, smokers have a 40% higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Not only should you quit smoking, but it’s also important not to overlook the fact that you should reduce alcohol consumption as well.

Managing Blood Sugar Levels

Maintaining strict control of blood sugar can prevent arthritis. Many studies have shown a correlation between arthritis and diabetes. Even if you haven’t been diagnosed with diabetes, monitoring your blood sugar levels is vital to avoid developing arthritis. Producing inflammatory proteins, called cytokines, may be associated with excessive sugar intake. These inflammatory proteins can contribute to joint pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Following a Healthy Diet

According to a study published in ‘Nutrition,’ an anti-inflammatory diet can reduce systemic inflammatory markers in patients with rheumatoid arthritis that worsen due to inflammation in the body. Reducing inflammation-inducing foods like processed foods, meat, dairy, and refined carbohydrates and eating foods that cause less inflammation can help lower the body’s inflammation, which can exacerbate joint pain.

Engaging in Low-Impact Exercise

For those with knee or hip pain and arthritis, avoiding high-impact exercises is best. Low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, and yoga are particularly beneficial. Low-impact exercises help strengthen muscles and relieve tension while lowering the risk of putting excessive stress on the joints with continuous patterns. It’s a good idea to try low-impact exercises to prevent arthritis.





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