New evidence has emerged suggesting that a prestigious medical student, identified as Mr. Choi (25), had premeditated the murder of his girlfriend on the rooftop of a building near Gangnam Station in Seoul.

The Seoul Seocho Police Station announced on the 13th that Mr. Choi had not only bought a weapon but also tape at a supermarket in Dongtan-dong, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, several hours before the crime.
Mr. Choi was reported to have told the police that he bought these items because he thought they might be necessary for the crime. However, there was no evidence that tape was used in the crime.

Additionally, he was found to have changed into prepared clothes after the crime and put the victim’s blood-stained clothes in a bag.
A police official stated, “There is evidence that he planned and prepared tools for the crime before the day of the incident. He had frequent arguments over breaking up. It was not an impulsive crime committed the day of.”
The police have deployed a profiler (crime behavior analyst) to clarify the apparent motive of the medical student by analyzing Mr. Choi’s statements. The decision on whether to conduct a psychopath test on Mr. Choi will be made based on the analysis results.
The police are planning to send Mr. Choi to trial on the 14th, focusing on the possibility of a planned crime.
Mr. Choi is accused of murdering his girlfriend, who had asked for a breakup, with a weapon on the rooftop of a building near Gangnam Station in Seoul on the 6th.
After the incident, it became known online that Mr. Choi had scored a perfect score on the college entrance exam and was studying at a prestigious medical school in Seoul, and his personal information spread. The spread of information related to the victim is also causing problems.

The police have decided not to disclose Mr. Choi’s personal information. This is because the victim’s family requested that if his personal information is disclosed, the victim’s identity could also be revealed. The university where Mr. Choi is studying has reportedly started internal disciplinary procedures.
Yoon Hee Geun, the Commissioner of the National Police Agency, explained at a press conference held at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, on the 13th about the motive of the medical student murder case. He stated, “There were frequent arguments over breaking up. Looking at the overall situation, it was not an impulsive crime.”
Regarding the reason for not disclosing Mr. Choi’s personal information, he said, “There are strong emotions from the family’s point of view regarding the disclosure of the suspect’s personal information, so we reflected their opinion,” and emphasized, “The victim’s family’s wishes are also an important part of the requirements for disclosure.”
This is due to concerns that if the perpetrator’s identity is revealed, the deceased victim and the family may become victims of secondary damage.
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