A missing woman in Indonesia was discovered inside of a 16.4-foot python.

A 16.4-foot-long python swallowed a woman named Farida in Indonesia. On June 8, villagers discovered a python near her belongings and subsequently found her body inside after cutting the python open.
According to CBS News, a 16.4-foot python swallowed a 45-year-old resident named Farida in a village in southern Sulawesi, Indonesia.
On June 6, Farida left her house after telling her husband that she would pick and sell peppers, but she never returned. Her husband and a few other villagers searched for her the following day.
“When Farida didn’t return, people went out searching and found her abandoned belongings,” said village head Suardi Rosi.
After a continued search, a python with a swollen belly was found. Farida’s body was found inside the python’s belly. It was reported that her head was visible as soon as the python’s belly was cut open.
Police and experts speculated that the 16.4-foot snake strangled the woman to death before swallowing her whole. While it’s rare for snakes to swallow a person whole, it occasionally happens in Indonesia.
Similarly, a farmer living in the village of Tinanggea in southeastern Sulawesi was eaten by a 26.2-foot python last year. In 2022, a woman in Zambia was also killed by a python.
Furthermore, in 2018, the body of a woman in her 50s was found inside the belly of a 23-foot python in the village of Muna in southeastern Sulawesi.
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