Chinese immunotherapy stocks are leading the rebound in the Chinese stock market with a 10-day consecutive rise.
On the morning of the 9th, Guan Hao Biology (冠昊生物 300238.SZ) and Canature Health Technology (开能健康 300272.SZ) surged over 20% as soon as the market opened. Zhongyuan Xiehe (中源协和 600645.SH) and Guizhou Chitianhua (赤天化 600227.SH) also showed strong performance with a sharp rise.
Immunotherapy refers to achieving therapeutic goals by attacking diseased cells with the patient’s immune system. Recently, significant progress has been reported in immunotherapy research in China.
Professor Zhang Lei and Professor Yang Renchi’s team at the Institute of Hematology and Blood Diseases of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Shanghai announced the results of a prospective study on the efficacy and safety of mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).
The study confirmed that mesenchymal stem cells are effective and safe for refractory ITP and provided a new treatment method.
Researchers Zhang Xiaoming from the Shanghai Institute of Immunity and Infection of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Gao Qiang, and Professor Fan Jia from the Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University published a research paper titled “A blueprint for tumor-infiltrating B cells across human cancers” in Science. In this paper, the research team revealed two reaction patterns of tumor infiltration of B cells and their impact on tumor immunity.
According to data from the American research company Frost & Sullivan, there are over 500 million autoimmune disease patients worldwide, with approximately 40 million in China.
Accordingly, China’s autoimmune therapeutics market is expected to reach $8.7 billion by 2025. China’s autoimmune disorders treatment market is experiencing rapid growth, with an average annual growth rate of 28.1%.
Meanwhile, last year, Loqtorzi, an immunotherapy drug developed by Junshi Biosciences (君實生物 688180.SS) in Shanghai, China, received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
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