In a so-called doggy daycare, a six-month-old puppy was bitten by a fully-grown dog three times its size, resulting in the loss of one eye.

According to a recent JTBC report, a six-month-old puppy named Biji was bitten by a larger dog at a doggy daycare on the 16th, resulting in the loss of its right eye.
At the time of the incident, ten puppies were in the same space, and the daycare staff had been away for nearly 30 minutes preparing for an event.
Biji approached a larger dog playing with a toy and was bitten. By the time the staff rushed over to assess the situation, Biji had already suffered severe injuries.
The dog owner stated, “I paid $740 a month for this care. They didn’t even separate the dogs and were all outside preparing for an event.” The owner expressed anger at the daycare’s negligent management and further questioned, “How come they can leave a 4-pound puppy in the same space with a 15-pound adult dog for 28 minutes?”

The daycare responded, “We let our guard down because it was a dog that doesn’t bite. We won’t take money in the future.”
Their acknowledgment fueled the owner’s anger. The dog owner expressed the rage by saying that lifelong education and free care until death are unrealistic management.
Following the incident, the daycare issued a notice of apology, saying, “We sincerely apologize for causing great disappointment to many pet owners due to this biting incident. This biting accident occurred, which should never have happened, and all responsibility lies with me.”
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