The camera captured a rare optical illusion of the sun flashing green at dusk. According to Oregon Live on the 27th (local time), Craig Hayslip, a research assistant at the Oregon State University Marine Mammal Institute, captured a distinctive scene of the sun glowing green while filming the sunset on the 20th.
In the photos he released, the sun is going down, and the horizon shines green. He reported that this phenomenon lasted for about 2-3 seconds. He added that while he had seen it before, this was the first time he had captured it on camera due to its brief appearance and unpredictability.

The phenomenon of sunlight being observed as green is similar to a rainbow. It is often seen in environments where light refracts more than usual. The occasion of this phenomenon announced by NASA is when the Earth’s atmosphere acts like a prism. The science and nature radio series EarthSky noted that this can be seen during sunrise or sunset from a distant horizon with precise edges on a clear day without fog or clouds. Furthermore, this unique green light can be spotted occasionally from tall buildings or mountaintops. It is most commonly seen on beaches or boats on the sea.
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