An Indian astrologer, “New Nostradamus,” predicted World War III would start today.
According to Daily Mail, on the 17th, an astrologer named Kushal Kumar was asked in an interview in May when World War III might start and stated, “It may break out on June 10th and 29th, but due to the most potent planetary trigger that could ignite World War III, it is highly likely to begin on June 18th.”
He warned: “It may be observed here that predictive alert for better care and appropriate strategy involves careful and serious interpretation of planetary impacts while unintended human error or slip cannot be ruled out entirely.”
Kumar cited incidents such as terrorist attacks along the India-Pakistan border, North Korean troops crossing into South Korea, and escalating tensions between Israel and Lebanon as evidence for the outbreak of World War III.
He also mentioned the increasing tension between the two countries, such as Hezbollah’s army in Lebanon launching rockets at Israel in response to the death of their commander, Russia’s deployment of nuclear submarines reminiscent of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and military exercises by China near Taiwan that have raised concerns in the United States.
In addition, he cited incidents such as the terrorist attack in the Himalayas, where 9 Hindu pilgrims were killed and 33 were injured, as well as a recent incident that occurred in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea as the basis for his predictions.
Kumar claims that the alignment of significant planets has triggered these conflicts worldwide.
Kumar said he used Vedic astrology charts based on Hindu culture to make predictions. He claims to have foreseen the increase in tensions between Israel and Hamas, Russia and NATO, North and South Korea, and China and Taiwan.
Meanwhile, Nostradamus, a French astrologer who lived in the 16th century, also predicted that 2024 would be “the worst year.”
He first predicted that worsening weather patterns would lead to epidemics, climate crises, and other challenges. In his book of prophecies, he said, “The dry land will become drier, and great floods will occur,” and “Epidemics will spread, leading to a very severe famine.”
He also predicted battles and naval battles, stating, “The red enemy will turn pale with fear. It will cause terror across the ocean.”
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