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Fruit Dieters Can Now Munch On THIS Sweet Fruit Without Concern

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The sweet and succulent peach has made its seasonal return. As one of the quintessential summer fruits, peaches can be enjoyed in various ways, such as juices, shaved ice, jams, and more. Just as there are fans of fried and dipped chicken when it comes to Tangsuyuk (sweet and sour pork) in Korean cuisine, there are also fans of “Firm” peaches and “Soft” peaches. Today, let’s explore the benefits of peaches, from their skin to the flesh, and how to choose and store them.

Sweet and Delicious with Low Calories:

Dieters love peaches because they are sweet and delicious but low in calories. Peaches have a strong natural sweetness and are rich in glucose, fructose, and water content. However, they are relatively low in calories, just 36 calories per 100 grams.

From Skin to Leaves, Peaches Are Good for Your Health:

Peach skin contains a component called “polyphenol,” which provides a slight bitterness. This substance prevents the formation of carcinogenic substances and aids in detoxification, preventing harmful bacteria from thriving. Moreover, peach leaves have anti-inflammatory properties and can be added to baths to help treat conditions such as heat rash, skin diseases, and eczema.

Promoting Psychological Well-being:

Peaches are rich in vitamins, making them effective in relieving fatigue and stress. Components like asparagine acid, glutamine, citric acid, and organic acids contribute to replenishing moisture and preventing the accumulation of fatigue-inducing substances.

Anti-Aging Benefits:

Peaches, abundant in beta-carotene, help inhibit the activity of free radicals that damage cells and accelerate aging. Their high vitamin C content also helps suppress melanin pigmentation, making them excellent for skin care.

Caution for Diabetic Patients:

Although peaches are delicious and beneficial for health, they may not suit individuals with diabetes. Due to their soft texture and high sugar content, peaches can quickly raise blood sugar levels. They are categorized as FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) foods, which can exacerbate symptoms for those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Therefore, people with diabetes or IBS should consume peaches in moderation.

Removing Seeds is Essential:

Peach seeds contain toxic substances, so removing them before consumption is crucial. The compound “amygdalin” found in peach seeds is most concentrated when the peach is unripe and can lead to severe symptoms such as cyanide poisoning if consumed raw.

Selecting the Best Peaches:

When choosing peaches, look for those without blemishes, with evenly distributed fuzz and freckles. A ripe peach should have a sweet fragrance near the stem end without the stem being detached. The area around the stem should not have a greenish tint but a uniform yellowish hue. Avoid peaches with sharp tips, as they are less ripe and may taste bitter.

Storing Peaches:

The best way to store peaches is at room temperature or slightly cooler (around 5°C or 41°F). Storing peaches in cold temperatures, especially below 5°C, can cause them to lose flavor and texture. As peaches are considered climacteric fruits, they ripen best at room temperature. It is advisable to consume them as soon as possible after purchase.

Ideal for Those with Weak Digestion:

Surprisingly, peaches are one of the few summer fruits that warmly affect the body. They can help relieve indigestion in individuals with weak digestion. With approximately 2 grams of dietary fiber, peaches facilitate regular bowel movements. However, people with skin inflammation or excessive body heat may experience allergies or increased facial redness when consuming peaches.

Food to Avoid Consuming with Peaches:

Eels are considered a “food to avoid” when consumed together. Eels, rich in fat, stay in the stomach longer than carbohydrates or proteins, causing fat to be digested slowly. When peaches are consumed immediately after eels, the organic acid in peaches can stimulate the intestines, potentially leading to diarrhea.

By. Jeon Sin-young (press@daily.co.kr)


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