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Why You Should Never Do This as Soon as You Wake Up

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It’s not healthy to make your bed right after you wake up.
It’s best to let the room breathe in natural light before making your bed.

Many people consider tidying up their bed and blankets as the start of their day when they wake up. However, tidying your bed immediately after waking up is unsuitable for your health.


According to a recent article by the British daily newspaper The Sun, brushing and fluffing your bedding and pillows while still groggy in the morning can harm your respiratory health.

Tidying up your bed right after waking up indicates the potential risk of severe conditions for some individuals. Paradoxically, this has been revealed in several studies.

New Africa-shutterstock.com

According to a study in the United States, tidying up your bed can trigger asthma and allergy attacks due to dust mites, worsening symptoms for those already suffering from these conditions.

Approximately 500 million skin cells are shed by the human body every day. During sleep, dead skin cells accumulate on the bed. The problem is that house dust mites thrive on these dead cells. The bed you sleep in is the optimal condition for mites to reproduce.

The bed becomes damp at night due to the high body temperature, which can cause sweating. If you sleep without adequately washing your bedding, you provide a breeding ground for dust mites.

Immediately tidying up your bed after waking up can lead to allergic reactions to dust mites, resulting in a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

Therefore, it is better to ventilate the room before tidying up the bedding than immediately.

Elizaveta Galitckaia-shutterstock.com

According to sleep expert Dr. Martin Silly, it is better not to tidy up your bed immediately to avoid these dust mite infections.

He further stated that exposure to sunlight and air drying are necessary.

Natural sunlight prevents the accumulation of mites and can act as a disinfectant, potentially reducing health risks.

Every home has dust mites. While it is impossible to eliminate them, it is essential to keep your home as clean as possible and regularly wash your bedding to reduce the number of mites.

It is recommended to wash duvet covers and blankets at least once a week. If frequent washing is difficult, it is convenient to have extra replacements.

Beddings should be washed at a temperature of at least 60% to kill the mites. Using allergy-proof pillows, duvet covers, and mattress covers can also help.

Instead of carpets, using wood or laminate flooring and installing blinds that are easy to clean rather than curtains is also beneficial.

By. Kwon Mi Sung (misung@wikitree.co.kr)


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