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5 Surprising Uses of Vaseline That Changed My Life

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You’ll be surprised to find out how versatile it is!
Here are 5 amazing Vaseline hacks
It’s a must-have item!

Do you all have a jar of Vaseline at home? I stock up on Vaseline. When winter comes, Vaseline is perfect for dry skin. So, when do you all use Vaseline? I use it for moisturizing, what about you?

But did you know that Vaseline can be used in many more ways than just for dry skin? After reading this, I guarantee those of you who have Vaseline lying around the house will start to stock up!

Not only for the face but also for leather, tools, and more. Are you curious about how to use Vaseline? I know you must be interested, so let’s find out.

1. Lip Care

Do you have flaky lips that stand out when you apply lipstick? After showering, when your skin is soft, apply a generous amount of Vaseline and gently scrub off the dead skin with your fingers after 10 minutes. This will give you smooth, moisturized lips!

Vaseline moisturizes and takes care of dead skin, which is a total bonus. But remember, anything in excess can be harmful. It’s recommended to do a Vaseline lip mask once a week.

Instead of struggling with flaky lips in the winter, why not try a Vaseline mask once a week?

2. Leather Cleaner

Isn’t it heartbreaking when your leather furniture, clothes, or bags get stained? Be careful when removing stains with alcohol-soaked cotton pads; it can worsen the stain!

I will tell you a sure-fire way to get rid of stains on leather. Yes, you guessed it, Vaseline.

Apply Vaseline to a cotton pad or cloth and wipe off the stained area. Easy and straightforward, right? The Vaseline shine left on the leather will disappear over time, so you don’t have to worry about it!

3. Blackhead Removal

Those pesky blackheads stuck in your pores can be removed entirely with just Vaseline. All you need is Vaseline, a cotton bud, and cling or plastic wrap. It’s simple.

First, clean your face and apply a generous amount of Vaseline to your nose. Cover your nose with cling wrap or plastic wrap for about 10 minutes. After that, carefully push out the blackheads with a cotton bud. And you’re done.

If you want to open your pores more, apply the wrap and put a steam towel on top while you shower. I sometimes do this while I shower! It’s perfect to do when your pores are open after a shower.

4. Solid Perfume

You can make your solid perfume for just $1. It’s great for carrying around, and unlike liquid perfume, the scent doesn’t spread everywhere, so you can apply it without feeling self-conscious in crowded places.

First, sterilize an empty jar, scoop some Vaseline, and melt it with a hairdryer. If you want to melt it faster, you can use a microwave! Then, spray your favorite perfume to your liking, and voila!

Here’s a tip: if you apply solid perfume and spray liquid on top, the scent lasts longer. Using it to pulse points or the ends of your hair is also good.

If the Vaseline doesn’t look nice in the jar, heat it with a hairdryer until it melts, then let it cool and harden. Your Vaseline will look smooth and nicely packed!

5. Metal and Tool Maintenance

Did you know that Vaseline is often mentioned as a neutral lubricant? It’s even noted in the Porsche 911 7th generation manual to “apply car wax or neutral lubricant to the wheels every 3 months after washing the car.”

It also acts as a rust preventer, so applying some Vaseline before rust forms is a good idea. For everyday items like scissors, apply a thin layer of Vaseline and wipe it off with a dry cloth. This will prevent rusting. So, let’s find those scissors right now!

It’s incredible how one jar of Vaseline can be used in many ways. I think we can truly call this a ‘God-tier’ cost-effectiveness. Find that jar of Vaseline lying around your house and use it effectively. It might just change your quality of life.

By. Jung Dalrae


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