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Eggs in Your Coffee? Check Out the Unique Charm of Vietnamese Egg Coffee

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Eggs in Coffee?
The Unique Vietnamese Egg Coffee

Eggs in coffee? Vietnamese Egg Coffee

Do any of you love coffee? I’m a huge fan. I’m a coffee lover who needs a coffee transfusion at home and work. If there are any of you like me, raise your hands! I can’t live without coffee every day. So, what’s your favorite coffee menu? I bet some of you would die for an Americano, and some would love the charming blend of smooth milk and coffee in a latte.

Attention to those who consistently drink the same coffee menu! For you coffee lovers, I have a coffee recipe that I want to introduce.

Today’s ingredients

Ingredients: egg, condensed milk, shot of coffee, ice, water, cinnamon powder

Making Vietnamese egg coffee is simple. All you need are the usual ingredients for making coffee, an egg, condensed milk, and cinnamon powder. Although it sounds fancy, the only fundamental ingredient you need is the egg.

Crack the egg for the egg coffee

Step 1: Crack the egg

Let’s make the most important ‘egg’ for the Vietnamese egg coffee! If you have an egg ready, give it a ‘tap’ and crack it. The important thing here is to separate the yolk from the white ideally. It’s not complicated. Anyone can do it.

Separating the egg white and yolk

Step 2: Separate the egg white and yolk

I’ll carefully take the yolk out of the egg. We only need the egg yolk, so you can cook the egg white later or use it to make meringue cookies or something. The result is a successful.

Stir the egg yolk gently

Step 3: Stir the egg yolk

Did anyone burst the egg yolk while removing the chalaza? Don’t worry. We’re going to burst the egg yolk anyway. No problem! Please stir the egg yolk well. I stirred it with a spoon, but if you have a whisk, you can use that. It’s much easier with a whisk. Stir it a little, and it quickly turns a pale yellow color.

Mix the egg yolk with condensed milk

Step 4: Add condensed milk to the egg yolk

It’s time to season the egg yolk for a sweet taste. The first thing you need is sweet condensed milk. Scoop a big spoonful of condensed milk and add it to the egg yolk. If you don’t have condensed milk, sugar is okay! But it might take a little time for the sugar granules to dissolve.

But the sweetness will be similar, so prepare according to your preference! After sprinkling the condensed milk or sugar, stir well. Stir until the yolk and condensed milk mix and turn a light cream color. This completes the yolk preparation.

Add a shot of coffee to the iced water

Step 5: Prepare the coffee

Prepare iced water to make iced coffee. I prepared 4.06 fl oz (120mL) of water and filled the cup with ice. Pull 2 shots of coffee. You can prepare the beans according to your preference, right? Add the coffee shot to the prepared iced water to make an iced Americano. That’s the end of coffee preparation. What do you think? Making Vietnamese egg coffee is so easy.

Add the yolk and condensed milk mixture to the coffee

Step 6: Add yolk to the coffee

Now, it’s finally time to add the yolk to the coffee. The yolk has turned into cream with the condensed milk, right? Gently place this yolk on top of the coffee. The visual of the brown iced Americano meeting the yellow cream is the best.

Sprinkle cinnamon powder on top to finish

Step 7: Sprinkle Cinnamon Powder

Finally, sprinkle cinnamon powder on top, and you’re done! This adds a subtle flavor that’s quite delightful. This is how you complete Vietnamese Egg Coffee. What do you think? It’s super simple. Just stir it like this and enjoy. I was a bit concerned about the raw egg yolk, but it doesn’t taste strange at all. Instead, it’s surprisingly creamy, almost like a soft cream taste.

So, here you go. We’ve learned the Vietnamese Egg Coffee recipe today, which is perfect for coffee lovers. Even though it doesn’t have any milk, it has a sweet taste, and the cinnamon flavor that lingers at the end is delightful. It’s perfect for when you need an energy boost. Say goodbye to the ordinary coffee you’ve known so far! If you love smooth and sweet coffee, you must try making this.

By. Hong Ran





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