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Top 10 Secrets Behind Winter Strawberries and How to Enjoy Them Best

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Every winter, strawberries become one of the most popular products among fruits. Each year, the market gets flooded with new varieties of strawberries, various desserts, and processed foods using strawberries. Let’s find out how to enjoy strawberries properly and tips for long-term storage.

10 times the Vitamin C of an apple

Strawberries are rich in various nutrients. They are loaded with antioxidants that fight oxidation, protect blood vessels, and effectively improve microcirculation. They are also rich in minerals and vitamins, especially Vitamin C. Furthermore, strawberries can help prevent the formation of cancer-causing ‘nitrosamine,’ boost immunity, and clear out harmful oxygen in the body. Adults’ recommended Vitamin C intake is 100mg, so consuming about 8 strawberries can quickly meet this requirement.

Mushy strawberries

Strawberries are 80-90% water and have soft flesh, which tends to get mushy quickly when stored in the refrigerator. This mushiness occurs when the cell walls of the strawberries collapse, but it does not significantly affect the components of the strawberries. Even if stored in the refrigerator, they can get mushy quickly due to weak skin. In these cases, cutting off the mushy parts and eating the rest is fine.

Strawberries get moldy easily

If the strawberries become moldy, you should discard them immediately. Please do not eat them by cutting off the moldy parts like you would with mushy strawberries! If mold appears on the surface of a strawberry, there is a high possibility that the spores have spread to the inside as well. Also, mold on one strawberry can spread among the surrounding strawberries. If you unknowingly eat moldy strawberries, you may experience stomach aches or diarrhea.

When is the best time to eat them?

Winter strawberries are best enjoyed fresh right after purchase. While some fruits need to be ripened after purchase, strawberries do not require this step. When washing, rinse lightly to remove the dust so they don’t get mushy quickly. Mix the strawberries with milk and honey to make fresh strawberry milk if they have become mushy. Some people like to dip strawberries in sugar when eating, but this can destroy the Vitamin B in strawberries, so it’s not recommended.

Why Winter Strawberries Are Delicious

Although strawberries are typically in season during early summer, winter strawberries have a higher sugar level. Early summer strawberries go through a sing temperature from spring to summer, resulting in a decrease in sweetness and an increase in organic acid content that gives a sour taste. But winter strawberries mature over a long period in low temperatures, accumulating more sugar.

Best Way to Store it

The ideal temperature for the tastiest strawberries is around 39.2-41°F. If you buy strawberries, keeping them at this temperature is best. Strawberries are susceptible to temperature as they comprise about 89% water. If the storage temperature is high, they can easily spoil. However, if stored at temperatures lower than 39.2-41°F, the strawberries may lose their sweetness, so be careful.

Store without washing

It’s best to store strawberries without washing them, as they can get mushy more quickly when exposed to water. The stem should also be left intact until just before eating. The moisture inside may evaporate from the area where the stem is detached. Storing them in an airtight container or wrapping them with plastic wrap is an excellent way to prevent mushiness. Storing them in the kimchi refrigerator can keep them fresh longer than a regular refrigerator.

Eat them raw for the best taste

Strawberries are best eaten raw, allowing you to take in all the nutrients and enjoy the best flavor. Cooking or blending in a mixer can destroy its nutrients. Also, it’s best not to eat strawberries with green or black tea. The tannin in tea may denature the vitamins in strawberries. They go well with milk, and eating them together can supplement a lack of calcium.

Enjoy different varieties by season

The domestic strawberry variety Seol-hyang is the most widely sold in Korea. Seol-hyang is the tastiest strawberry in winter, and its sugar level decreases as the weather gets warmer in spring. You can enjoy varieties such as Mi-ha, Mu-ha, and Go-sul during hot seasons. Summer strawberries are mainly produced in the cool highlands of Gangwon Province, where the altitude exceeds 1,640 feet.

How to pick delicious strawberries

When choosing strawberries, look for ones with a stem that is not dried out and has a deep green color. Well-ripened strawberries will have a red color that extends to the stem area. They should be glossy overall and be about the size of two fingers for the best taste. The strawberries should have a clear, unique color and be at least 90% colored.

By. Sin Young Jeon





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