There is a beach where you can see planes landing up close, which has become a hot topic.
According to Thrillist, on the island of Saint Marteen in the Caribbean, you can enjoy the beach while watching planes fly overhead. The island of Saint Marteen is divided into two countries. The north side is a French territory, and the southern part is Dutch territory. Maho Beach, where you can see planes up close, is located in the Dutch part.
You can see planes up close because Saint Marteen’s territory is tiny. Princess Juliana International Airport’s runway is only 2,108 meters long and is very close to the beach. Therefore, planes attempting to land at the airport must fly directly over Maho Beach. Tourists often lie on the beach, watch planes gliding low towards the runway, or capture the moment in photos.

As the number of tourists feeling the thrill of planes flying overhead increases, more bars and places renting sunbeds to watch the aircraft have popped up near Maho Beach. A representative from Maho Beach said, “Large planes like the Boeing 747 usually land before 3 PM, so if you want to witness a more thrilling scene, we recommend visiting the beach early.”
City officials say you must be cautious about safety when watching planes because they fly so low. In 2017, a tourist from New Zealand died after being blown away by a sandstorm generated by a plane’s engine, resulting in a severe head injury. The Saint Marteen police authorities stated, “Since the accident, we have posted signs warning that ‘the wind from the engines is very strong,'” and advised that “you can safely watch the planes from behind Maho Beach as well.”
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