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Why Do Some Farts Smell Worse Than Others?

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Farts are a natural phenomenon where gas is expelled from the body. Farting is a natural occurrence when air is ingested, and intestinal bacteria break down dietary fiber, releasing it in the form of gas. For a healthy adult, the average is 13-25 times, with a basic discharge volume of about 200-1500 ml. The notion that frequent farting is a red flag for health is a misconception; farts are signals from a healthy diet and a healthy colon. Let’s learn more about the farting stories we’ve always wondered about.

Why does fart smell so bad?

The particularly foul smell of some farts can be attributed to the digestion of proteins and fats. Bacteria in the gut feed on the remnants of these nutrients, producing a foul odor as they break them down. If farts are accompanied by post-meal abdominal pain or nausea and emit a strong smell, this could be indicative of food intolerance. For instance, in cases of lactose intolerance, the intestinal bacteria cannot absorb lactose. This undigested lactose then passes directly to the small intestine, where it ferments and produces foul-smelling gas.

Why is the sound of a fart so loud?

What could be the reason for the particularly loud sound of farts? If there’s a lot of gas, or the force pushing out the gas is strong, the sound of the fart can be perceived as particularly loud. Also, a loud fart could be a symptom of a disorder. Hemorrhoids could be the cause. Hemorrhoids, which are lumps in the anus, can narrow the gas discharge path, making the fart sound loud.

Is a silent fart fouler?

Some people say that silent farts are more foul than loud ones. But in reality, that’s not the case. The truth is that there’s no significant connection between the sound and smell of farts. The reason farts make a sound is because the gas accumulated in the colon vibrates the skin and sphincter muscle around the anus when it exits through the small hole, the anus. The sound can vary depending on the amount of gas and the force of the gas.

What if you hold in a fart due to embarrassment?

Office workers often experience a feeling of gas accumulating in their stomachs. If you need to fart because your stomach hurts, but you hold it in due to the situation or embarrassment, it can harm other organs. If you keep holding in farts, you can experience abdominal pain due to intestinal distension, pain in the sides, and in severe cases, cold sweat, dizziness, and even fainting.

What’s the cause of frequent farting?

Many people worry that farting might indicate poor health, but it’s not necessarily a measure of intestinal health. Choosing the suitable types of food can efficiently address concerns about farting. Common causes of increased flatulence include using a straw to drink, consuming carbonated beverages like soda or beer, and sighing frequently. The air that leads to farting primarily enters through the mouth, which can increase the frequency and volume of flatulence.

How to reduce farting?

Farting is a natural physiological phenomenon, and there’s no need to feel embarrassed or need to reduce it. However, if the awkward sound and smell are a problem, you can help by moderating foods that produce more gas, such as cabbage, corn, beans, dairy products, and carbonated drinks. On the other hand, foods like fish, lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes produce less gas.

Checking your health through farts

Farts can provide insight into your health. If you have frequent farts, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, etc., you can suspect lactose absorption disorder, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, etc. If a particularly foul fart continues, it could be ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome. One of the symptoms of pancreatitis, even without any particular symptoms, is also a foul fart.

Do you fart more during your period?

During a woman’s menstrual period, estrogen levels rise. A hormone-like chemical called prostaglandin is produced in the uterus, which removes the endometrium of the uterus. This substance can also contract other organs, including the intestines. Therefore, during the menstrual period, the smell of farts can become stronger, and the amount of farts can increase. If you fart frequently during your period, try eating foods that are easy to digest and unprocessed before your period starts.

Do you fart more when you’re stressed?

Excessive stress can also affect farting. Suppose you relieve stress with snacks, chicken, and other refined foods. In that case, the consumption of refined foods, along with an anxious psychological state, can cause gastrointestinal disorders and changes in bowel movements. If you fart frequently when stressed, it’s good to find stress relief methods that are beneficial to the body, such as exercise. Be careful not to drink excessive air through deep breathing.

Is there a gender that has a more foul fart smell?

When looking at the smell of farts by gender, women tend to have a more foul smell than men. Generally, women’s farts have a hydrogen sulfide concentration that is 200% higher than men’s, the amount is 90% more, and the methanethiol concentration is known to be 20% higher. However, the amount of farting is larger in men, with an average of 118 ml each time they fart compared to women’s 89 ml, and men fart 52 times a day compared to women 35 times.





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