Cleaning window tracks can be a challenging task, but with the right methods, it becomes much more manageable. Here are nine effective ways to keep your window tracks spotless.
1. Stockings and Rubber Gloves

Stockings generate static electricity, which attracts dust. Cut up old stockings and use them to wipe the window tracks. You’ll notice the dust clinging to the stockings. Similarly, rubber gloves can attract dust due to their material. Simply wear the gloves and rub the window tracks to pick up the dust.
2. Scissors and Screwdriver for Corners

Wide areas of the window track are easy to clean with various methods, but corners can be tricky. Use scissors or a screwdriver to clean these areas without worrying about breaking anything. Wrap a wet wipe around the tool and secure it with a rubber band. This allows you to reach and clean the corners effectively.
3. Newspaper and Disinfectant

Roll up a newspaper to fit the size of the window track. Soak it thoroughly with water. If you have baking soda, mix it with a spoonful of water in a spray bottle and spray the mixture onto the newspaper. Leave it for about 10 minutes, then rub the window tracks with the soaked newspaper. Finish by wiping with a wet wipe.
4. Sponge with Slits

Make slits in a sponge (used for dishwashing) to match the width of the window tracks. Adjust the slits to the height of the tracks. This is a common and easy method to clean window tracks.
5. Toothbrush

Old toothbrushes are perfect for cleaning window tracks. Use them to scrub away dust in the corners and on the screens. Dampen the toothbrush and scrub the screen gently to remove dust effectively. You can also use a solution of water and baking soda to enhance cleaning.
6. Citric Acid

Like baking soda, citric acid is another effective cleaning agent. Dissolve two spoons of citric acid in 1 liter of boiling water. Let it cool, then pour the solution into a spray bottle. Insert newspaper, tissues, rags, or kitchen towels tightly into the window tracks and spray the solution generously. Leave it for about 10 minutes, then wipe clean. This method is often used by professional cleaning services.
7. Coarse Salt

Evenly sprinkle coarse salt on the window tracks. Use lukewarm water-soaked tissues or newspaper to slightly dissolve the salt, then scrub the tracks. Warm water helps the salt dissolve better. Alternatively, you can mix water, coarse salt, and vinegar in a spray bottle and use it to clean the tracks. This method also works for unclogging bathroom or kitchen drains. Pour a handful of coarse salt down the drain, followed by boiling water, to clear the blockage.
8. Vinegar, Shampoo, Soda, Rice Water

Mix rice water and vinegar in an 8:2 ratio to create a natural cleaner. Spray it on the dirty areas and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Wipe clean with socks or newspaper. Diluted shampoo or soda can remove grease stains. Spray on the tracks, then use newspaper or socks to wipe away the grime.
9. Hot Water

For window tracks with long-standing grime, use a small amount of boiling water. Pour it on the tracks and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Use a toothbrush to scrub, then remove the moisture with newspaper, socks, or kitchen towels.
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