Did you know that there’s a species that looks very similar to hummingbirds? It’s called the humming moth.
Hummingbirds are quite difficult to come by. In some cultures, they are considered lucky. If you want to be graced by a hummingbird or hummingmoth, try planting some of these at home!
Bee Balm

Bee Balm can grow up to 2-3 feet high. It is recommended that they are planted in an area where they can get a lot of sun as they love the heat.

Like the beebalm, lantana flowers must be planted in an area that gets lots of sun as it thrives under heat. These flowers can grow up to 6 feet high!

Unlike the previous two flowers, the columbine does not require a lot of sun. This flower booms in a variety of colors and only grows up to 3 feet high.
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