As summer temperatures rise, humidity levels often increase, leading to unpleasant odors in the home. These smells can be particularly troublesome when they come from food waste, damp towels, or containers. So, how can you effectively eliminate these odors?

To tackle odors from food waste, try sprinkling green tea powder or coffee grounds on top. Both of these ingredients contain tannins, which help neutralize unpleasant smells. Another effective method is to place slices of bread in the food waste. The bread’s porous texture can trap odor molecules, helping to reduce the smell.
Sprinkling baking soda is a practical solution for combating odors from food waste. Baking soda neutralizes the acidity produced by food waste, which helps prevent decay. Apply it to the bottom and sides of the food waste bin for the best results.
Another effective method involves using soju, a Korean liquor. Mix water and soju in a 3:1 ratio and spray it on the food waste to neutralize odors. If you don’t have soju, vinegar is a good alternative. The acetic acid in vinegar eliminates bacteria and mold, reducing unpleasant smells.
Towel odors can be tricky, especially if towels smell bad after washing and drying. This is often due to bacteria and mold. Add 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar to the wash to address this. Vinegar has strong antibacterial properties that help eliminate unpleasant smells and neutralize detergent residues. However, dilute the vinegar with water to avoid damaging the fabric.
Rice water is another great tool for eliminating odors from leftover containers. It has excellent deodorizing and cleaning properties, making it effective against kimchi or fermented soybean paste smells. Soaking containers in rice water for an hour allows the starch to lift stains and absorb odors. It’s also practical for cleaning greasy dishes.
Humidity can make your home feel damp. To manage this, consider using plants to purify the air and control humidity. Tropical houseplants like bamboo and rubber trees are beneficial in absorbing pollutants and regulating moisture levels.
Plants like ferns and spider plants can absorb excess moisture in the bathroom. If wet shoes are causing humidity, placing charcoal, coffee grounds, or used green tea bags in the shoe cabinet can help. Lining the bottom of the shoe cabinet with newspaper also absorbs moisture and prevents mold growth.
Handling summer odors can be a bit of a chore, but these simple methods can make a big difference. With these tips, you can create a cooler and more pleasant environment at home.

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