Agrigento, Sicily, authorities have officially banned the sale of Mafia-themed souvenirs in a bold move. This decision, reported by Euronews and other international outlets, aims to improve the city’s reputation as it gears up to be named the Italian Capital of Culture for 2025.

Sicily has long been known as a stronghold of the notorious Mafia, and its influence has seeped into local businesses, with souvenir shops selling items like Mafia-themed magnets, bottle openers, and drinking glasses. However, the new ordinance means that police will actively investigate local retailers and impose fines for selling any products related to the Mafia.
Mayor Francesco Miccichè highlighted the gravity of the issue by stating that the sale of Mafia-related souvenirs in the Agrigento area has contributed to the proliferation of a criminal culture. He further declared that the sale of any items that glorify the Mafia or organized crime would be banned. This initiative marks a significant step in reshaping Agrigento’s image and distancing it from its criminal past.
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