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Top Exercises to Strengthen Your Balance and Prevent Injuries

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Balance is all about staying steady, even when your body’s on the move. Trust us; having a good balance can make a world of difference in avoiding nasty falls or injuries like fractures. While plenty of exercises help improve balance, some simple, targeted moves can really take things up a notch.

One easy exercise to kick things off? Standing on one leg. Start by holding onto a chair or something sturdy for support. Lift one leg and hold for about 10 seconds. Switch sides, and over time, you’ll notice your balance improving. Eventually, you’ll be able to do this without any support at all!

Photo to aid understanding of the article / BearFotos-Shutterstock.com

Yoga and Pilates are also your best friends regarding core strength, which plays a huge role in balance. These workouts engage the core muscles that keep you steady, whether standing, walking, or moving.

Another go-to exercise for better balance is weight shifting. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and lean to one side, shifting your weight onto one leg while lifting the other. Hold for 30 seconds before switching sides. It’s simple but super effective!

Squats are also a great way to strengthen your legs and hips. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width, bend your knees, and push your hips back like sitting in a chair. Keep your weight in your heels, and repeat 10 times for a leg day that really counts.

Photo to aid understanding of the article / BearFotos-Shutterstock.com

Want more? Walking heel-to-toe in a straight line works wonders for balance, too. Take slow steps, bringing the heel of one foot to touch the toes of the other. If you feel wobbly, use a wall for support and aim for 20 steps.

For a quick backside boost, try the backward leg lift. While holding onto a chair, lift one leg straight back, keeping your knee straight and toes pointed outward. Hold for a second, and switch legs after 10-15 reps.

Knee-bending exercises are another great way to tighten things up. Stand while holding a chair and lift one leg behind you, pulling your heel toward your butt. Hold for a second, then switch to the other leg. Do 10-15 reps on each side.

Standing on your toes is an underrated move for strong calves and ankles, which helps with overall balance. Hold onto a chair, lift your heels off the ground, and stand on your toes for a second before lowering back down. Do 10-15 reps, rest, and go for another round.

For some back love, try the back extension. Lie face down with your arms at your sides and palms up. Slowly lift your head and arms a few inches off the ground, hold for a few seconds, then lower back down. Repeat this 10 times to strengthen your back without straining your neck.

Ready to test your balance? Try standing on one leg and see how long you can hold it. The longer, the better!





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