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Top 5 Dirtiest Spots in Every Office Revealed

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If you think your office is clean, think again! Time magazine recently revealed the five germiest spots in any workplace, and trust us, they’re not where you’d expect. From elevator buttons to break room cups, these common touch points are total bacteria hotspots thanks to frequent use and, let’s be real, minimal cleaning.

Photo to aid understanding of the article / BaLL LunLa-Shutterstock.com

1. Elevator Buttons

Shocking but true: elevator buttons had a contamination rate of 61%, which is higher than even toilet flush switches (43%). With so many people pressing them all day long, it’s no wonder they’re a breeding ground for bacteria.

2. Door Handles

Not all door handles are created equal. Handles made from materials like copper, zinc, and nickel naturally inhibit bacteria growth, so skip painting or coating them to keep those germ-fighting properties intact!

Photo to aid understanding of the article / PeopleImages.com – Yuri A-Shutterstock.com

3. Keyboards

Even though it’s your personal workspace, your keyboard is a bacteria magnet. If you don’t wash your hands regularly, germs can easily accumulate on both your keyboard and mouse. The fix? Make daily disinfection part of your routine to keep your desk hygienic.

4. Break Room Cups

Gross but true: 20% of break room cups were found to harbor bacteria usually associated with—you guessed it—restrooms. So, wash your hands before making coffee and use your cup whenever possible.

5. Conference Room Phones

Shared phones in conference rooms are another hot zone for bacteria. Keep things clean by regularly disinfecting the areas that touch your mouth and hands.

And don’t forget about restroom hygiene. Proper ventilation is crucial to avoid bacteria buildup from moisture, so keep windows open or use exhaust fans. Regularly cleaning the restroom, especially floors and walls, helps prevent bacteria and mold from taking over.

Photo to aid understanding of the article / PanuShot-Shutterstock.com

Natural Cleaning Hacks

Want a chemical-free way to clean up? Try natural ingredients like vinegar and baking soda! Vinegar is antibacterial and antifungal while baking soda helps scrub away tough stains. Mix them together for a powerful cleaning solution that eliminates bacteria and mold. Add some lemon juice for extra antibacterial power and a fresh scent.

Finally, don’t forget about your cleaning tools! Regularly washing and drying mops, sponges, and other supplies ensures they’re not just spreading bacteria around. Because, let’s face it, using dirty tools is just adding more germs to the mix!





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