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Are You Drinking Water the Right Way During Meals? Find Out!

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The debate over whether drinking water during meals is healthy or harmful has sparked varied opinions. Some argue that it can disrupt digestion, while others argue it actually aids digestion. Which side is correct? Let’s explore the medical evidence.

An image to aid in understanding the article. A woman drinking water during a meal. / Doucefleur-shutterstock.com

Drinking water during meals is generally not recommended for individuals with weak digestion. This can increase the volume of stomach contents, placing additional stress on it.

For those who have had gastric surgery or compromised digestion, eating rice and drinking water separately is best.

In patients with low stomach acid or hypochlorhydria, drinking water with meals may lead to bacterial overgrowth by diluting the acid, making it harder to kill bacteria and absorb nutrients effectively.

Conversely, for those with normal digestive function, drinking water can help reduce irritation from salty or spicy foods.

It’s normal to feel thirsty after eating salty or spicy foods, and it’s best to satisfy that thirst by drinking water. Water can dilute the salt or spice levels in food, minimizing irritation in the stomach.

It’s better to sip slowly than gulp it down all at once. This allows for better absorption and digestion. Drinking too much water at once can disrupt digestion and may even lead to diarrhea.

Make sure to drink water only after thoroughly chewing food. Digestion starts in the mouth, where food is broken down and mixed with saliva. Inadequate chewing can impair digestion.

Mixing rice with water or soup is not ideal for digestion. Soaked rice can lead to less chewing, skipping the critical breakdown process, and diluting amylase reduces its effectiveness. Therefore, it’s not recommended to mix rice with water or soup.

If you feel the need to drink something with your meals, plain water is a better option than soda or juice.

Many people reach for soda or juice over water during meals, but water is the healthier choice when you’re thirsty. Drinks with high sugar content can increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, and hyperlipidemia.

If plain water isn’t appealing to you, there are ways to enhance its flavor.

You can add strongly flavored foods like lemon or cucumber to your water or include a small amount of herbs like mint or lavender to make drinking water more enjoyable.





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