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From Cat Day to Buy Nothing Day: 10 Wild Days of Awareness You Won’t Believe People Actually Observe

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While not recognized as official holidays, many individuals celebrate a variety of commemorative days. A prime example is Valentine’s Day, observed annually on February 14. Retailers typically introduce innovative chocolate products, while people find unique ways to celebrate. In addition to these familiar observances, new commemorative days are continually being established as individuals seek reasons to celebrate. Let’s explore some of these distinctive commemorative days.

International Dog Day

March 23 is celebrated as International Dog Day. Established in 2006 by pet scientist Colin Page, this day aims to raise awareness and improve the perception of pet dogs worldwide. A key focus is to protect and promote the adoption of abandoned dogs. On this day, many people share photos of their pets on social media using hashtags to celebrate their furry friends.

Global Running Day

Global Running Day is celebrated every year on the first Wednesday of June. This observance began in the United States in 2009 to encourage running and increased physical activity. Initially called International Running Day, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio changed the name in 2016. In the 2016 event, over 2.5 million participants from 177 countries collectively ran 14.8 million kilometers. During the pandemic, the event also transitioned to virtual platforms.

International Plastic Bag Free Day

Every year on July 3, we observe International Plastic Bag Free Day. This day was established in 2008 by an international environmental organization in Spain to promote environmental protection. Single-use plastic bags, made from petroleum-derived materials, significantly contribute to environmental pollution. The goal is to encourage reducing plastic bag usage to protect the environment and promote coexistence between humans and animals. Citizen organizations in over 40 countries, including the U.S., participate in various events to raise awareness.

International Cat Day

If there’s a Day for Dogs, it’s only fitting that there’s a Day for Cats as well. August 8 is celebrated as International Cat Day each year. Established in 2002 by the International Animal Welfare Fund, this day aims to improve awareness of cats. On this day, campaigns promoting the adoption of stray cats are held, and many businesses offer discounts on cat products. In the U.S., the designated cat observance is October 29.

International Lefthanders Day

Cultural discrimination against lefthanded individuals has vastly diminished. However, lefthanders have historically faced bias globally. Every year on August 13, we observe International Lefthanders Day, which aims to promote the rights of left-handed individuals and challenge biases surrounding left-handedness. This day was first established in 1976 to honor the birthday of Dean Campbell, the founder of the International Lefthanders Association.

World Mosquito Day

Malaria was a highly dangerous infectious disease in the past. On August 20, 1897, British doctor Ronald Ross discovered the link between female Anopheles mosquitoes and malaria transmission. In 1902, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for this discovery, which helped raise awareness about malaria. Every year on August 20, World Mosquito Day commemorates this achievement and increases awareness of the dangers mosquitoes pose.

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

Every year, on September 7, we observe the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. Designated by the United Nations, this day aims to raise awareness about air quality issues, promote efforts to reduce pollution and strengthen international cooperation. The resolution establishing this day was adopted during the September 9, 2019, UN General Assembly.

World Car Free Day

World Car Free Day is observed on September 22 each year, encouraging people to refrain from using cars for just one day. The goal is to reduce air pollution, noise, and traffic congestion by minimizing private vehicle use. This initiative began in 1997 in La Rochelle, France, and has since evolved into a global environmental campaign. Even for those who must drive, the day promotes reducing unnecessary idling to lessen environmental impact.

International Coffee Day

October 1 is recognized as International Coffee Day, an international observance established by the International Coffee Organization to promote coffee and address related issues. The date was chosen because it coincides with the end of the coffee harvest in South America and Africa, where most of the world’s coffee is produced. This day was officially declared by Robério Silva, the then-chairman, after the conclusion of the International Coffee Forum in 2015.

Buy Nothing Day

Consumption fuels the market, yet excessive buying can lead to environmental harm and various labor challenges. Buy Nothing Day has been established to address overconsumption and prompt reflection on contemporary lifestyles and spending behaviors. This observance occurs annually in late November, aligning with the onset of the Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping periods.





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