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Money-Saving Tissue Hack: How to Use One Box Like It’s Two

Daniel Kim Views  

Here’s a handy tip to stretch the life of your tissue box. By cutting facial tissues in half, you can make your supply last twice as long. Here’s how:

Step 1: Open the Box from the Side

Instead of opening the box from the top, carefully peel away the paper on the side to access the tissues.

This lets you remove the whole stack of tissues without damaging the box. Carefully peel away the paper on the side of the tissue box to access the tissues inside.

Step 2: Cut the Tissues in Half

Once you have the tissues out, cut the entire stack in half using scissors or a knife. A knife often provides a cleaner cut, but use whichever tool you prefer.

Step 3: Place the Tissues Back and Reseal

Place the cut tissues back into the box.

Then, use tape to reseal the side you opened to keep it neat and easy to use.

Step 4: Adjust the Top Opening

To make it easier to pull out the tissues, cut small slits on each side of the top opening and widen it slightly. This setup allows you to pull out tissues more smoothly from both sides.

This simple hack doubles the life of your tissue box, helping you save money and keep your supply going longer!

Daniel Kim




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