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Aging and Eating: How to Manage Swallowing Difficulties Effectively

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If you find yourself choking during meals, even when you’re not eating quickly, it could be a sign that the muscles in your esophagus and airway have weakened due to aging. Let’s dive into the causes and prevention methods for swallowing difficulties.

A meal setting to illustrate the article. / CGN089-shutterstock.com
A meal setting to illustrate the article. / CGN089-shutterstock.com

Swallowing difficulties, or dysphagia, occur when it becomes challenging to swallow food or when food mistakenly enters the airway. Persistent dysphagia can make eating difficult, potentially leading to malnutrition or severe conditions like aspiration pneumonia.

Most swallowing difficulties stem from age-related decline in airway and esophageal function. In the US, it’s estimated that one in three older adults experiences this issue.

To improve swallowing, consider adjusting your eating posture. Sit up straight while dining and slightly tuck your chin – this posture adjustment narrows the airway, helping guide food down the esophagus and reducing the risk of choking.

Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to eating. Avoid talking while chewing, and try to avoid very hard or large food items. If you do indulge, cut them into small, manageable pieces. Soft and creamy foods, like yogurt or silken tofu, are gentle on the throat and easier to swallow.

To strengthen facial muscles, try this simple exercise: close your lips, suck in your cheeks, then puff them out with air. This exercise gives your facial muscles a light workout.

Remember your jaw and tongue. Open and close your mouth as widely as possible, moving your jaw from side to side. For a tongue exercise, touch the roof of your mouth and slide your tongue back and forth, then side to side. Practicing these daily exercises can strengthen your swallowing muscles over time.





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