Many people develop “age-related fat”—the pesky bulges around the belly, arms, and love handles. Let’s explore why this happens and how to combat it effectively.

Here’s the scoop: As we age, our sex hormone production decreases. For women, menopause causes a drop in estrogen, which leads to more belly fat. On average, post-menopausal women gain about 0.8 kilograms (1.8 pounds) yearly.
Unfortunately, guys aren’t off the hook either. Lower testosterone levels mean less muscle and a slower metabolism, making it easier to pack on the pounds. It’s a double whammy—aging reduces muscle mass, further slowing your metabolism.
When your metabolism slows, those extra calories you used to burn off start sticking around as unwanted fat. Plus, growth hormone levels start declining in your 30s, dropping about 14.4% yearly. So, how do we fight back against these age-related pounds? Here are three fab strategies to try:
1. Cut Those Calories
It’s time to face the music: as your metabolism slows, you must eat less. The silver lining? Eating less can also reduce those pesky free radicals that speed up aging.
While the average American adult needs about 2,000-2,500 calories daily, to shed that age-related fat, aim to cut 200-500 calories from your daily intake.
2. Chill Out with Cold Water
Here’s a cool trick: sip cold water! This warms your body and burns extra calories, similar to how people in colder climates tend to be leaner.
Dr. Hee Sun Seo from Gachon University Gil Medical Center says cold water can help zap white fat. And don’t forget your daily cup of joe – a coffee or two can give your metabolism a nice little kick-start.
3. Pump It Up with Strength Training
Want to keep your metabolism humming? Strength training is your new best friend. It builds muscle, which helps prevent your metabolism from taking a nosedive.
Don’t worry; you don’t need to become a bodybuilder overnight. Skip the heavy weights if you’re not ready – even simple exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, or lifting water bottles can help build those muscles. Start small and work your way up!
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